Cycle News

Cycle News 1967 Issue 08 Mar 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"" q, ~ a.. "- Cl> "" .... ~ .c; '-' ... '" ~ R '" "'J ~ ~ "'J -.l U ;:... U S Photos & Report by Maureen Lee Perris Vallp.y M.C. hosted at their home track Sunday with the end result that there was racing in BROAD DAYLIGHT FOR THE BIG BIKES! would you believe? They even had a goo& scaffold erected by the big rock for the scorers to perch on so they had an excellent view of the track. The whole day saw good events, and all wiDllers really deserved thei r tropbies. We wish we could mention you all, but time, space and a ,wole day of races just doesn't make this possible. The 250cc Novice class had Bob Williams as their leader with Bill Dockery (Montesa) second and Willie Hockie Jr. (Greeves, natch) in third. Hockie won his heat hands down but the main win got away from him after an excellent start. The 500cc Amateur class saw two Victors victorious (ouch!). Ron Stinnert got 'was out in front in the Main with all cranked on, but David Brooks back in the traffic pulled a few rabbits out of the hat and was really catching up on Ron by the checkered. More Victors appeared in the 500cc Expert bash (and do we mean BASH n. Chuck Minert on a braDd new one proceeded to demolish them aU in his heat but couldn't really get going in the main and ended sixth. Don Ogilvie on another Beezer took fourth. We can bet that some of the hotGoidstars in the neighborhood are being tom down right now to see iI something was missed so they can go just a little bit faster. The win went to John Rice on a Honda, making it two for the day for John R. He also won the Z50cc Expert class aboard his Husqvama. Not only did the class have the hotter Victors to contend with, Ronnie Rodarts is hack in action after a two-year leyoff. Ronnie would be surprised if he knew the number of people who have gone ou t of their way to make the point known to us that if Ron had had the similar equipment when he was riding steady a few years back he would jJave been a tremendous threat to Jim Ht>nt"r and Don Spargur as he has beaten the", both. Well, Ronnie is back. W ..t.::h him! The Open ovice class went to Bob Fish on a snortin' orton. Cob just wiped out his heat and did a beautiful job in the Main with BSA-mounted Gee Davis takinll: the second place. The Open Expert class had C.H. Wheat (Triumph) taking three in a row. and while C.H. sailed triumphantly ahead, second and third place developed into a tussle between Ben Fakkeldy and Chuck McIntosh. In fourth place appeared a weary old desert rider by the name of Red Ludford wearing a checkered jumper who showed the troops that a desert rat can always run well in a scrambles. How about Frado next, Red? (Results on page 17) Rlclrt: Jalln (85K) Rice Is a spectacular scrambler (also #19 above). Below: Ron Sth.ยท ner!, SOO amateur wimer, THE MAELY FLAT snCIAL RACING BOOTS. 8 1f hiett. laced, weicht 2 Ibs. per pair $15.95 plus c.o.d. post... KEN shoeman MAELY the Route 2, Box 758, Corona, Calif. Irt fit, .,It wit, $22.50 - UJ,~,.r .,1 _ _ or CII_nI c-..

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