Cycle News

Cycle News 2004 Issue 23 Jun 16

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( > RMX Parle Wikoff Rails at RMX By ROBERT BEAUPRE MUSTANG, NY, MAY 16 H Bob Krah, the sixtysomething "teenoger" from the Rocky Mountoin Chopter, enjoys one of his five out of five wins in th e Over 60 Expert clos s at round six of the International Old ��Timers Annual Race Series. R ESULT S NOV: I . Da ve Spauld ing: 2. Kurt Ne lso n; 3. Denni s Fos te r: ... Gordy Howe ; S. Eric Alloy. AM: I. Ron Rec:tor; 2. Te rry Fo rnal; 3. Mark Mart in; 4. Randy Bruce ; 5. Larry Selby. EX : I . Keevan Acevedo ; 2. Randy Reed ; 3. [ ehn T imm e rmans : .of . Kurt is Ke rbaugh. HSTR A : I . Ja y Migliore. HSTR B: I . Jeff 8z oskie. 50+ N OV: I . Elli s Harlin. 50+ AM: I. Jim McCon ne ll: 2. He rbe rt Allen; 3. Bill ShJl tz ; .. . Ke nt Reed ; 5. Go rdon Skinner. 50 + EX: I. Je rry W inkel bauer; 2. Jim m ie H ar r is . 5 0 + HSTR : I . Wayne O 'Bleness. 60+ NOV: I. Gabe Gutierrez: 2. Harry Mo rse ; 3, Richard l yons ; .. . Scott Walker . 60+ AM: I. Phi' Black: 2. Tomm Hamm: 3. Chuck Woody: .. . Fran k De rby: S. Barry Simon. 60 + EX: I. Bob Kn.h; 2. Ed Perti ton ; 3. De nnis To o man . 7 0+ N OV: I. Bob Allo y; 2 . Dan McCart hy. 70+ EX: I. Max Goode : 2. Tony Armada: J . Jo hnnie Hall; 4. Fred Parsen. ason Northrup was beginning to feel a little snake -bit. He had come so close to the coveted Fast Time award twice in a row, losing one to a malfunctioning cloc k and then one to his good frie nd "Fast Andy" Fortner by fifty-fivethousandths of a second in second-round action the night before . On Sunday, the same plot seemed to be playing ou t again, as Bre nt Bow ma n and his Jenkins/Revloc C R500 set the early fast time with a 2.7 19-second run in the 600cc class, and Northrup set a new one on his first ride in th e 750cc class with a b listering 2.617second run on his Kawasaki 750cc t riple . In second -r ound action , however, it was Josh Denson who challenged Northrup 's time the hardes t, flying his Revloc KX54 0 over in 2.638 seconds to take the 600cc ~class win but leav ing Northrup to claim his first Fast Time award of 2004 . Bowman wasn 't to be de nied o n this day, however, as he turned a 2.580-second time in the one -run, exhibition King Of The Hill series, taking that trophy for the second straight week . jared McKay was his closest challenger, wit h a 2.628-second run on his KX540. jeff Jack fro m Wappella, Iowa, made a rar e District 17 appearance and took t he w ins in bo t h t h e 400cc Stock a nd Open Stock classes. His 2.96 I-second time in t he Open Stock class was actually good enough to get him into the IO-bike "King" contest, and he J P/W : I. Hunte r Roberts; 2. J esse Sanchez; 3. Braate n Giovanetti. 65 C: I. Dan;el Hills; 2. Zach Clause r. 65 B: I. Korie Haas. 65 A: I. TySiminoe ; 2. Aaron Siminoe. 85 C: I. Korie Haas : 2. 1: . Beavers; J. Daniel H ills . 8 5 B : I. Hatt J Stewart; 2. Jo sh Be rry ; J . C h ris Voltl. B5 A: I. Jo shu a Mo rro s: 2. Aaro n Siminoe . S/ MINI : I. Jo shua Ho rros; 2. Aaron Siminoe: J . Hatt Stewa rt . 125 C: I. Jeff Hop kins; 2. Elysia Ulrich; J . Joe Simons. 125 B: I. Bobby Principe; 2. Justin Amo s . 125 EX: I. Jake W iko ff; 2. Hatt H anha ; J . And rew Valdez . 150 C: I. Ch ris He e k. 150 B: I. Justin Amos; 2. J.B. Covington. 150 EX: I. Jake Wikoff: 2. Robert Beaupre : J . Jason Alosi. 40 + B: I. Jeff HcCoIlum . OP EN : I. JuanAIosi: 2. Robert Beaupre: J . Jacob Robik. Motorcycle Roa d racing Assoc ia tion Round 2: Pikes Peak International Raceway By KURT VON AHNEN Northrup Nukes Neogal By BUD NORTHRUP RESULTS Shane Comes Back Central Illinois Motorcycle Club Hillclimb NEOGA, II., MAY 16 o nda pilot jake Wikoff led the way as northern Nevada's newest motocross track, RMX, held its first -ever race for a crowd of approximately 50 racers . RMX came to be this spring when a local dealer, Reno Motorsports, began holding practices at the course, which is locat ed just east of Reno, near the outpost of Mustang. The first race drew an enthusiastic group of riders a nd spectators and unfo ld e d un der nearly perfect weat her. Among the classes were respectable groups of 125cc and 25 0cc Expe rts, both o f which Wikoff topped via I-I scores. Wikoff pushed his CRF250R arou nd the hillside layout with easy precision , which was especially impre ssive cons ider ing he'd just made a return to racing after a six-month hiatus and a recent move. That said, locals can watch for Wikoff only to beco me better as he adjusts to the are a and improves his timing still further. In the Mini classes, Kawasaki rider Josh ua Morros scored convincing victories in the 85cc A and Supermini classes. guiding his KX85 over the Mustang clay ahead of KTM��mounted Aaron Siminoe . who placed second in each class. In th e B class , Matt Ste wart took to p ho nor s, best ing se co nd - and third- place pilot s Josh Berry and Chris Voili. Siminoe and his brother lY conducted their own frie ndly battle in the 65cc A class. The two seemed to be working on techn ique and passing as they diced th rougho ut the mo tos, which ended w ith Ty scoring the victory and Aaron re t ir ing to the p its after a second-mota mechanical failure. The event had a rel axed fe eli ng , as t he schedule of only nine motos made lap-cutting and spl it -wave starts unnec essary. The organizers promised more events to come this summer, whi ch should on ly he lp to fuel the already rapid growth of the northern Nevada motocross scene . FOUNTAIN, CO, MAY 16 impressed everyone with an e xcellent 2.884second run on h is s t oc k- Iength KX SOO , claiming sixth place . Man Peters had another good day, scoring wins in the 200cc and 450cc classes, which ran his weekend tocal to five wins, as he had take n the wins in the 200cc, 250cc and 450cc classes the night before. RESULTS 50 AUTO: I . Jer e miah Lyday (Cob); 2. Chel sea Gill (Ho n): J . Da ko u Wats on (Po l); 4. Kaylee Co x (Hus); 5. Logan Hoody (Pol). 65 : I. Joe H cGurer (Kaw); 2. Brett Kalahe r (Kaw). 8 5 JR: I . Ca le b Emo ry (Kaw); 2. Dr ew Daniels (KTH) ; J. Schuylet'" Kalahe r (Kaw); 4. Austin C reek (Ho n); 5. Joe HcG ure r (Kaw) . 85 S R: I. Blake C appello (Kaw); 2. H ike Popham (Yam ). 12 5: I. Kevin Dean Bond (Ho n); 2. Bren t Bo wm an (Hon) : J . Mike Pop ham (Yam): 4. Rich ard Miller III: 5. Josh Minge e (Hon ) . 200 : I . H att Pet ers (Kaw) ; 2. Gordon Gr e e n (Kaw) : J . Jimm y Co x (Kaw); 4. Keith Klett (Kaw ); 5. Don Wh aley (Suz). 25 0: I. Jon C re ek (Suz); 2. Ha tt Pet er s (Ho n) ; J . Jared McKay (Yam); 4. Josh H inge e (Ho n); 5. Rod Kalahe r (Kaw). 400 ST K: I. Jeff Jack (Kaw); 2. R.J. Watso n (H on ); J . Hik e Pulve r (Ho n); 4. Alan Petty (Yam); 5. Don Whal e y (Suz) . 450: I . H att Pet ers (KTH ); 2. Go rdon G re e n (KTH ); J . Paul Hillard (Yam); 4. Cody Je nne r (Yam); 5. H ike Bacon (Ya m) . 6 00 : I. Jo sh De nso n (Kaw) ; 2. Bre nt Bow man (Hon) ; J . Jon C re ek (Ho n); 4. Andy Fortne r (Hon) : 5. jared Mc Kay (Kaw). 750: I. Jaso n Northrup {Kaw } ; 2. Paul Hillard (Kaw): J . Bud Northru p (Kaw). OPEN : I . Steve Shafer (H- D ): 2. Jason Northru p (Yam). OPEN ST K: I. Jeff Jack (Hen ): 2. H ike Pu lve r (Ho n) ; 1. Jar ed He Kay (Ho n); 4. H ike Bacon (Hai); 5. Bud Northrup (Yam). SR 40+ : I. Scott Pet ty (Hon ): 2. Hark Pete rs (KTH ); J . Jeff Jack (Kaw) ; 4 . Ron Tod d (Kaw ); 5. Ste ve Sha fer (H -D ). S/ S R 50+ : I. Ro n Todd (Kaw) ; 2. Keith Klett (Kaw); J . Bud Northrup (Kaw ). PSHRO: I. Steve Shafer (H-D) . KOTH: I . Brent Bow man (Ho n); 2. Jared H cKay (Kaw): J . Andy Fortner (Hon) ; 4. Josh De nso n (Kaw); 5. Scott Petty (Hon ). FAST T IME AM : Jaso n Northrup (Kaw). FAST TIM E O/A : Brent Bowman (Hon) . M ay 16 saw t he makings of a wi nnin g streak, as Shane Turpin pulled down his second Motorcycle Roadrace Association win in as many rounds . The tight, technical, 1.3-mile Pikes Pe ak International Raceway provided spectacular action in nearly all the classes, serving as a great preview for the AHA National event the following weekend. The morning led off w ith t he "Nervous" (er, No vice) class. It was amazi ng watc hing t h e com pet ito rs un fo ld t h e ir d yn a mi c st rateg ies, inve nti ng ne w lines aro un d th e co nfining raceway. Th e MRA has expanded eno ugh t hat sta nda rd o perating procedure involves racers contesti ng he a t races to graduate to the finals. The Open Supersport con test started off like the Fourth of july when, right off the bat , Tim Young bounced off the pavement . His collarbo ne paid the pr ice, and t he race was restarted. From there, it was the classic ballet of ath lete o n machine that kee ps fans' noses pinned to the chain -link fe nce . Rich Dee ming performed marvelously, with RickyOrlando and Robert Je nson in tow. Jenson charged hard but then bobb led a bit, only to charge hard once again right up to O rlando's tailpipe. je nson put in a 57 .6-second lap time, whereas the MRA track record , se t by Turpin, was 5 7. 14. Suddenly, on the last lap, O rlando had his ann up coming out o f turn nine; he was pitti ng. After the race , he revea led tha t the race was just for tra ck time, and since his machine was not class-legal, he didn't wan t to ruin it for the race rs , ex hi b iting t he h igh le vel o f sportsmanship within the MPA www.cyclenews .com After a lunch break and seven other events , it was time for the feature even t - the Race O f The Rock ies (ROR ). When the light went green , Turp in launc hed his Yamaha into a wheelstand, letting Dan "Ot is" Turner slip into the lead . Tur pin went to t he outside , and Orlando headed down low. Orlando. piloting a Sun Enterprises! Rosencrans-tuned Kawasaki ZX I0, was on the charge. Crossing the line after lap one, it was Orla ndo, Turpin, Turner, Ryan Burke and Shane Cahill, followed by the army of Vet e ran MRA Experts . O rl and o continued to push hard at the beginning, and he appeared to go wide in tum three , but in reality th e re 's a ripple on t he middle of the track, causing a two-line choice inside or out: If a rider takes the center, the rear of his bike steps out in a big way. Turpin also pushed hard and then made contact with Orlando in the turn-one area. Orlando ke pt contr ol but lost positions. Set for a third at the finish, O rla nd o was ab le to sail past Tur ne r whe n t he latter missed a shift. As the race closed, it was Turp in, Orlando and Turner on the box, and a jovial box it was! RESULTS GTU NOV: I. Tony Ewan: 2_Vem Robinson ; J. Anthony Ross; 4. Harcus Frison ; 5. Jason leIeck. GTU AM : I. David Ganant; 2. .Jason Trabert; J. Patrick L..ansu; 4. Tony Ewan; 5. Ale x Kuretz. GTO NOV: I . Dean Whitinger; 2. Eugen e Bazyt; J . Jay Ho llman ; 4. Marcus Frison: 5. David O lcott. GTO AM: I. David Gallant: 2. Jason Trabert; J . Jason Smith : 4. H arv Ro se ncr an s : 5. Dean Whi tin ge r. HORN VINT GTU: I. Jeff Yekel: 2. Tony Baker; J . Waldo Paul; 4. Simon luciow; 5. Chuc k Shettsline. HORN V1NT GTO: I. Aaron Petrie : 2. Les Gerber. J. Tony Baker, 4. Kart Frakes; 5. Wa ldo Paul. H/W SlSPT: I. Robert Jensen: 2. H artin Sims; J . Crash Lowe; 4. Justin Meye r; 5. Shannon Moham . HIW SfSPT: I. Rob e rt Je nsen ; 2. Hartin Sims; J . Crash Lo w e : 4. David Gallant; 5. Tracy Schram. OPEN SlS PT: I. Robert Jensen; 2. Rich Deeming; J . Erik Schnac ke nbe rg; 4. Shane Stoyk o; 5. Dennie Burke. M/W Sl BK: I. Robe rt Jense n; 2. Hart in Sims; CYCLE NEWS ��� JUNE 16, 2004 S9

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