Cycle News

Cycle News 2004 Issue 23 Jun 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RESULTS BEG: I. Peter Pupeza (Yam); 2. Tom Fox (Suz); 3. Tracy Wahl (Yam) 4. Gabriele Bauer, S. AJ ; ima Vollilath (Yam) 50 . MICRO CHA IN : l. C o le Andenon (KT M); 2. Zach Letend re (Cob ); 3. Rochelle Paul (Yom); 4 . Logan Ande<>oo (Hon ); S. Dust in Hudek (KTM). 50 Oll. INJ : I. Co le Anderson (KT M); 2. Zach Let endre (Cob) ; 3. Am ber Le te nd re (Yam); 4. Rochelle Paul (Yam) ; 5. Dustin Hudek (KTM). 65 MINI : I. Dustin Paul (Kaw); 2. Charlotte Morris (Kaw); 3. Matthew Elliott (Pol) . 85 MINI: I. Conner Anderson (Suz 2. Jory Horris (!dwig (Rot) . Marshfield Super Speedwa y Kasten, Purkis Top Blacktopl By WOODY ECKES MARSHFIELD, WI, MAY 1S E leven dirt t racke rs and seve n sportbike ride rs sh owed up to d o ba ttl e in se parate class es o n th e sup e rfas t , ban ke d , ha lf-mil e blacktop oval in Marshfield, Wisconsin. In the Open class , Jun ct ion C ity 's Brad Seavers led t he heat race hom e in first place, with Marshfield's own Cliff Eckes shadowi ng him in second . In the final, Eckes held the point for six laps, while hea t winner Seavers experienced a nasty slide that slowed him dow n from his prior speed. However, com ing off the back row, Hatley's Steve Kasten, on his S02cc VZF Yamaha DTX bike, was steadily picking off riders until he reache d t he front at the start o f lap seven. Alt hou gh Ec kes co uld ma t ch his speed, he cou ldn't pass Kasten back . Troy Jo hnso n and Danny Vrana filledout the top four spots. This night marked the first night that enough spo rt bikes showed up to ru n a sep arate class, le aving th e fro nt br akes on imone (1Caw). 6S (I 0.11), I. Derrick Shaw (Suz); 2. Zach ary No lan (Kaw); 3. Brandon Higgins (Suz) ; .... A.J. Stewart (Kaw); 5. Michael Brown (Suz). MINI JR: I. Walker Pewter (KTM); 2. Ryan Belue (Suz); 3. Dale Wakefield Jr. (Suz) ; 4. Andky D;oo""", ). (KTM) ; 3. Mo rgan Gre en (Kaw); 4. Jonathan Woodford (KTM); S. An

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