Cycle News

Cycle News 2004 Issue 23 Jun 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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sections of the course. O nce again, Barlknecht quickly es ta blished a la rge lea d ove r his pu rsue rs. As the lap s woun d do w n, Vre tt as passe d Mar ti nez for sec o nd p lace . As Barfknecht powered to the overa ll, Vrettas held on to second and claimed secon d overall, with Martinez taking t hird. In the always-c c mpe ttnve Ove r 4 0 GP Novice dass, there was a duel between Yamaha riders Paul Grossbe rg and Kevin Reze nde fo r to p hono rs. In moto one, Grossberg gra bbed the bcleshct. Trailing dose behind was Rezende. By lap t hree , Rez e nd e was w it h in strik ing distance of Grossberg. On the back sect ions of the track, Rezen de foun d a line a round Grossberg. Despite continuous pressure from Grossberg, Rezende held on for the mota win. Rezende qu ickly grab be d t he lead at the start of moto two. Trailing close behin d was Grossberg. Near the e nd of lap one, Grossberg caught and passed Rezende . For the next four laps, the duo battled for the overall . Ne ither on e o f t he veteran "t uning fork " machi nes missed a beat during this heated competition. Desp ite steady pressu re from Rezende , Grossbe rg maintained a narrow lead . At the check ers, Grossberg captured first place and the overall class victory, with Rezend e garneri ng a well-deserved seco nd overal l. RESULTS IROHMAN VIN T INT: I . Dave Scourfield (CZ) . IRON MAN VINT EX: I. C h ris Schle if (Hus): 2. Hi ke Owe ns (Yam). IRONMAN GP NOV: I . Fred Bou rd ais (Hon); 2. Mike Candra (Y am). IRO N MAN GP INT: I. Jeff Clausen (Hon ): 2. Paul Claybaugh (Hus). IRON MAN GP EX : I. C harlie Richard son (Hon). VINT S PT S H N 125 NOV: I . Pete Wright (Ka.w). VI NT SPTSHN 12 5 INT: I . Gene Fetty (Hus) . VINT SPTSMN 115 EX : I. Charlie Richardson (Cl): 2. Ron Renzulli (CZ) . VI NT SPTSMN 1 50 NOV: I. Brian Miller (Hus); 2. Norman Himaka (Mai). V INT SPTSMN 25 0 EX : I . Gary Faxo n (C Z). VI NT SPTSHN 500 NOV: I. Glenn Barfknecht (Yam); 2. Fran k v re etas (Suz); 3. Ted Mart ine z (CZ) . VIN T SP TSMN 500 INT: I. John Lambe rt (Cl); 2. Dave Car ling (CZ) . VI NT SPTSMN 500 EX : I. Gary Faxon (CZ) . GP 1 NOV: I. Darr e ll Brown (Pen) . GP liNT: I. Mark Hollowa y (Hus). GP I EX: I. Mike Owe ns (Yam); 2. Bill Silverthorn (Hus); 3. Jason Lewis (Hus). GP 1 NOV: I. Deri k Mart in (Yam); 2. Andy Joh nson (Suz). GP 2 INT: I. Ken Hughe s (Yam). GP 2 EX : I. Rob Nolin (Suz). GP 3 NOV: I. Fred Bourdais (Ho n). GP 3 INT: I . Paul Claybaugh (Hus). GP 3 EX: I. Allen McKay (Hus) . 30 + VI NT NOV: I.T im Johns on (Bul); 2. Larry Reit e r ( Bul) . 4 0+ VIN T NOV: I. Glenn Barfknecht (Yam); 2. Brian Mille r (Hus). 40 + VINT IN T: I. Jo hn Lambert (CZ) . 30 + G P NOV: I. John O hnstad (Yam) ; 2. And y Joh nso n (Suz) . 30 + GP INT: I. Ken Hughe s (Yam). 30 + GP EX : I. Tim Nash (Hon ); '2. Rob No lin (Suz). 40+ GP N OV: I . Paul Grossberg (Yam); 2. Kevin Rezende (Yam). 40 + GP INT: I. Jeff Colnu (Mai). 4 0+ GP EX: I. Mike Owens (Yam); 2. Allen McKay. (Hus). SO+ GP NOV: I. Fra nk Vrettas (Suz) . 50 + GP INT: I. Paul C laybaugh (Hus ). 50 + GP EX : I. Bill Silve rt ho rn (Hus); 2. Ch ris Schleif (Mai). CMC Northwest Spring/Summer Series Round 6 : Albany Motorsports Pork The Hills Roll Onl BY CLAY LIGHT AlBANY, OR, MAY 15 B rothe rs Josh and Justin Hill made the trek from the ir home in LaCenter, Washington , a successful one , as both ride rs captured double class w ins at th e sixt h round of the CMC Northwest Spring/Summer Ser ies at Alban y Motorsports Park. The elder of the two , Josh, who's 14, topped the I25cc and 250cc Inte rmediate classes, while Justin scored 65cc (0-8) and 65cc Open-class victories . Josh's first taste of competition o n the day came in the combin ed 125cc Jun ior/ Inte rmediate and Pro contest . O regon's Trevor Broo ks, who has posted some impressive top five finishes in the Northwest late ly, was Josh's closest competition in the class. Josh darted out front in the first mota, followed by fe llow Yamaha riders Brooks, Aaro n McClinton and Kenneth Hammontree. As the laps clicked away, it was the lone Intermediate rider in the fie ld , Josh , who held th e lead to the finish. Brooks , the Pro-class winner, finished seco nd on the track , while the top-plac ing Junior rider, McC linton , fe nded off Washington's Hea th Voegele to capture third on the tra ck. Mota t w o also be lo nged to Josh . T he Yamaha Motor Corp./ FMF-backed rider grabbed the lead at the start of the mota and the n slammed the door shut on Broo ks to cap 0 (( a I-I swee p. Broo ks' runner-up finish netted him the Pro win, while Voegele got the best of McClinton to snare the Junior-class win. Josh returned late r to cap ture his sec o nd overall win of the day by again besting Broo ks in the adjoined 250cc Pro/Intermediate and Junior class. Broo ks, on hand to get in some track time (or the upcom ing AMA Western Four-Stroke Nationals rou nd here, was again relegated to a pair o f second-p lace finishes. Jo sh wa s the overall Intermediate winner, while Brooks won the Pro class , be at ing Wash ington's Sean Sparkman, who was also pr e parin g for the foll o w ing wee k's Pour-Stroke Na tionals. 56 Kawasa ki rider Jon Derhammer used a 2-1 tally to top the Junior class, beating KyleAdkins ( 1-2) and Rod Tryon (3-3). Justin followed in his brother's foo tste ps by also claiming two overall wins. Justin replicated Josh's feat by go ing I- I for both of his 65cc wins. Justin's first win came in the 65cc Open class, where he squared off against Colin Baker. Though Baker has logged an impress ive list of wins ove r the winte r, he could do litt le to stop Just in in e ither mo to . Talyn Taylor (4- 3), Jo nat han Andrew (5-4) and R.J. Leach (3-8) rou nded out the top five overall. Justin also sh ined in the 65c c age-group clash. Baker was again his closest competitor. Both ride rs, though , pos ted individual overall class wins, as Justin won the 0��8 class and Baker burned t he com petition in the 9�� 1I field. A large numbe r o f 65cc Beginner ride rs ra n combined with the age-group co mpetitors , and that class was won by KTM rider Ryan Reed , who topped both motos and led Kawasak i ride rs Jimmie Peterson and Craig Singleton into the top three positions. Sparkman (Hon). WMN BEG : I. l yndy Fee ley (Ka.w); 2. Ashley Smith (Hon); 3. Debra Anderson (Hon) . WMN : I . Heathe r Ch ristiansen (Yam); 2. TISha Feely (Yam). BTH JR: I. Aaron HcOinton (Yam); 2. Hea th Voegele (Yam); 3. Jerek Saucedo (KTM). 30 + JR: I. Tracy Mueller (Kaw). 30 + INT: I . Dane Batty (Hon). 30 + MNY: I. Rick Walling (Yam); 2. Rod Tryon (Hon) . 40+ JR: I. Joh n Stevens (Y am); 2. Ray Kelty (Y am); 3. Jim Valencourt (Yam) . 40 + INT: I. Mark Voegele (Hon) ; 2. Dean Btddle (Yam); 3. Man Bro wn (Yam). 40 + MNY: I. Jeff MacDonakl (Hon); 2. Joe Casey (Hon); 3. Greg Gates (Hon). 50 + : I. Jim Parks(Hon) ; 2. Gary' Bonds (Hon); 3. Bill NiJyIor(Hon) . Red BudMX Logan's Run for the Red Bud Win BY BART NEWMAN BUCHANAN, MI, MAY 1S on Logan made the trip up from Ocala, Florida. a good one by winning the 250cc A ove rall at Red Bud MX despite some furious competition from a very fast John Grewe. When the gate dropped for the first 250cc A mota, wily veteran Grewe wh ipped up on the kids as the pack blasted through tum one , with Mitch Dervin, Ryan St alb e rge r and Ja me s Thompson in tow. Grewe was pushing hard to put some time on the pack, but De rvin and Stalberger weren't having any pa rt of it and were la tch e d on to Gr e w e ' s rear fender throughout the first two laps . O n lap three, Stalberger made his move on De rvin in the new sandy whoop section , which track builder Tim Ritchie installed for the upcom ing Fourth of July National Cham pions hip event. Grewe was flying out front and looked faster with each and every lap, putting some t ime o n Dervin and Stalberger, who were now being ho unded by Logan, w ho had gotten a less-than-desirable start. Logan zapped bot h Dervin and Stalbe rger on the back section of the trac k, but by that time Grewe had enough of a cushion that he could c ru ise home fo r t he w in. Logan was second, w ith Dervin third. Scott Jendro used a last -lap c harge th rough t he w hoops to steal fourth from Stalberger, who was the last rider in the top fi e . v In moto tw o, Grewe once again timed the st a rt e r' s drop perfectl y and put his Village Motorsports/Scott/O xtar bootsNemar/Ogiobacke d CR F45 0 R out in front as t he pac k rounded turn o ne . Devin, Logan, Sta lberger and John Kidd gave chase . Logan found a way past Grewe o n lap tw o , as the two ri ders crested laRocco 's Leap. Once out front, Logan opened up a five -seco nd lead on Grewe. De rvin ra n into trou b le o n la p two and dropped out of the top five , mak ing th e runn ing order o n lap three Loga n. Grewe, 5talberger, Je ndro and Kidd . When the whi te J nag came o ut, Grewe was loo king to make a move , as he was now on Logan's rear fender wit h less than a lap to go. Meanw hile, Jendro made a great pass on Sta lberger to claim third . Logan held a slight edge on Grewe as the pair whipped off the configured downhill ta bleto p t hat led into the new ly added sand whoops. Logan held the advantage, but Grewe we nt for broke, blitzing the whoops, only to come up fo ur bikele ngt hs sho rt at t he checkered flag. Logan's (2-1) better second-mota finish gave him the win , d isplacing Grewe ( 1.2) to t he runner-up spot, with Jendro (4-3) wrapping up thir d in the mota as well as overall. In 250cc B action. Zach Koster won in runaway fashion. grabbing the day's overall by turning two great starts into a pair of moto wins. RESUL TS 50 SHAFT (4 . 6): I. Broc Wright (Cob); 2. Just in Soper (KTM); 3. Gerico Joh nson (KTM); 4. Hunt er Bum ham (KTM) . 50 SHAFT (1-8): i . Unduy """'" (KTM ); 2. Cody Hadsen (KTM) ; 3. Broc Maurer (KTM). 50 JR: I. Christopher Kruger (KTM); 2. Mc kinz ie Edw ards (KTH) ; 3. Zachary Malon e (KT M); 4. Gertcc Jo hn so n (KT M) . 50 SR : I . An dr e w Bum pus (KTM); 2. Derek Rains (KTH ); 3. Broc k Ste llne r (KTM ); oI Kyle jor (KTM); J. Steve Kristoff (Kaw). 65 OPEN: I. Justin HUI (KTH); 2. CoHn Bak (KTH) ; J. T:oJyn Taylo< (KTM) . 85 er BEG: I. KaIeb 8asney (Hon) ; 2. Heathe r Christiansen (Yam); 3. Kyle Reader (Yam). 8 5 (9 - 11): I. Colin Baker (KTM). 85 (12-13): I. Travis McOinton (Yam); 2. l)ier McClinton (Yam): 3. Ryan Robe rts (Yam). 8S ( 14- 16): I. Shaw n Habedcc k (Hon); 2. Kylel emmon (KTM) . SlMIN I: I. Shawn Haberlock (Hon); 2. Travis Mc:Ointon (Yam) 3. Tyler McClinton (Yam). ; 125 BEG: I. Philip Springer (Kaw): 2. C hris McDaniel (KTM): J. 5penc... Foley (Hon) . 125 I'" I. Heath Voegele (Yam); 2. Aaron McOi nton (Yam); J . Josh Hibler (Yam). 125 INT: I. Josh Hill (Yam) . 115 P RO : I. Trevor Brooks (Yam) . 25 0 BEG : I . Matt Ellefson (Hon ): 2. Jeremy Kitche r (Yam) ; 3. Dave Berkey (Yam). 2 50 JR: I. Jon Derham mer (!

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