Cycle News

Cycle News 2004 Issue 23 Jun 16

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WERA National Cha llenge Series Round 3: Vi rgi nia International Raceway Batey Unbeatable in Danville By DAN SCHMITI DANVIW, VA, MAY 23 nder overcast skies. the Open Superstock final roared off the line at rou nd three of the WERA National Ch allenge Ser ies. Mark Junge took the lead. with Mike Smith right with him. As Junge stre tched his lead, Smith came under attack fro m John Jacob i. At halfway, both Brian Stokes and Tray Batey got by Smith, wh ile Jacobi charged to Junge's rear whee l, but Junge held off the charge and took the win. Forty of the fastest Novice racers in t he country took the green flag fo r the 600cc Supe rstock final. Geoff Doyer took the early lead, but Brandon Parrish replaced him in turn three on the next la p. Meanwhile , Corey U Bowen came under atta ck fro m J.B. Layman for t hird . Parrish t oo k the win , w ith Doy er second and layman third . Brad ley Champion ch arged to the 600cc Superstock Expert lead , with Smith and Junge follow ing. Du ring the seco nd lap , bo th Smith and Junge got by Champion and went side by side t hrough the 130��mph fro nt straight kink. Jacob i slipped by Champi on to ta ke third, and David Weber move d up also. Ju nge hit his en gi n e case on t he gr ound go ing int o turn three and surfed off the track. Smith won. with Jacobi second and Weber third . On the res tart of the 750cc Novice Superstock race, first-start lead e r Ryan Gordo n ran off the track and ran the first lap in sixth , w ith Trevor Teafi leading. Then Teafi crash ed , creating a mad scramble for the lead among Parrish, Anthony Dowless and Go rdon. With one lap to go, Gordon regaine d t he lead and took the win. In 750cc Expert Superstock competition , Smith, Batey and Jacobi ran neck and neck to secured third , and Dorsey, Samu el Redman , Skylar Tho mas, Seth Harding, Brandon Talley and Jeffrey Bowman wrapped up the Pee Wee pack. Track maintenance le ft the track a litt le choppy for the first mota of the Girls (9- 13) clas s, but Twisted Sist er Race Team's She lby Dorsey didn't let that slow her down. The daring you ng lady sec ure d a so lid firs t- pla ce finish , followed by Rebecca Sheets. Callie Stanley and Alexandra Atherton, w ho all held those positions from the first lap to the finish line. Shelby dom inated moto two as we ll, despit e taking a slight spill w hile the w hite nag waved . The Geo rgia girl remounted in rec ord time and ma inta ined he r le ad a c ro ss the finish line, followed by Shee ts , Stanley and Atherto n. All participants in the class earned a reserved spo t at the Southeast Youth Regional competition to be held at Lazy River MX, June 18 t hrough 20. Victory Sports w ill host the Loret ta Lynn's Southeast Amateur Regional Qu alifie r at Parke r Valley MX in Bellwood, North Carolina, June 4 through 6. In additio n to the Tho r United States Mega Se ries , Victory Spo r t s will a lso be pre se nting the Kawasaki Team Gree n Tennessee the first comer, with Batey leading the first lap. As Jaco bi battled his teammate fo r the lead , Smith came under a tta c k fr o m Reuben Frankenfield . Two laps later, Smith went down. Two laps after that , Frankenfield went down. Stokes moved by Michael Garofalo for th ird. In the tight battle for the win , Jaco bi just could not get his front wh eel past the maste r, Batey. In For mula Two, the batt le of the day was the race between Eddie Kraft and his dad , Joe Kraft. While Brian Kcraget ran away with the race on his two-stroke Honda, SV-mounted Joe led Eddie in the conte st for fifth . With one lap to go, the youngster finallygot by his dad . Garofalo took the 750cc Supe rb ike Expert win, with Keith Marshall second , but for six laps, young Taylor Knapp, on his Ray C Yamaha R6, tried everyth ing possible to get by Ducatimounted Bill St. John. Finally,on the last lap, he did get by ��� but St. John nipped him at the line (or third. Sam Flem ing and Jeff Wal ke r 's grand experiment fizzled in th e Formula One race . They built a turbocharged GSX��RIOOO for Ben Walters to ride. Making plenty of horsepower, it was a handful for this young rider. Although he did run up to eigh t h, he co uldn't match th e leaders. Batey, Jacobi and Matt L ynn. Stokes got by Jacobi fo r third , wh ile the turbo blew up down the front straightaway. The bikes carne by one more time , and the red flag ended the race. Batey picked up the w in, with Lynn second. CN INTlRNATIONAL RACEWAY DANVIW , VIRGINIA Mark Junge (1) su rfs his SUlluki on the engine case as Mike Smith (911) heads for the win in the 600cc Superstock final at Virginia International Raceway. Junge won the Open Superstock final. VIRGINIA REsuLTS : MAy 23, 2003 (ROUND 3) 600 SlST K NOV: I. Ilnndon Pam,"; 2. Geo ff Doyer, l . J.B. layman . 600 S/ST K EX: I. Mike Smith; 2. Joh n JooolH; J. DovKlWebeo-. 750 SlSTK NOV: I. Ry>n Gonlon; 2 Ilnndon Pamsh; J. Antke (KTM); 2. Bren t Jernigan (KTM); 1. Tres Waldroop (KTM); 4. Dakota H.tthew> (KTM); S. T...... Utde (Kaw) . 8 5 STK (7. 11), I. James Justice (Yam 2. Sean Cun ningham (KTM); 1. Nicholas ); Smith (Su,); 4. Adri", Moon. (Yvn); s. 1YJe< Utde (Kaw) . BS STK ( 12.11): I. Austin Stroupe (Yam); 2. Benjamin Denton (Suz) ; J . Caleb Ga;ne, (Suz) ; 4." Hudgett J'. (Suz); S. Rya n Br u mf ie ld ( Ho n ) . U / L MI N I (7 ~II) : I. Sean Cunningham (KTM); 2. Frank Lettieri Jr. (Suz) ; 3. Adr ian Moor e (Y;un): 4. Brent Je rn igan (KTN); S. David Browning (Su, ). UI\. MINI (12 - 15): I. W",,,", Duffy J'. (Suz); 2. Kyle Ditche.. (KTH) : J. Adam Britt (Suz): 4. z.dwy ........ (y",,): S. Cole T""" (y",,). 125 STK (12 . 15): I. ZaIock (Hon) ; S. Kyle -'00 (Suz). 12S B 5TK: I. Chris Todd (Yvn): 2. Ma.-= John Thorn""", (Hon) ; 3 . Andrew Gaddis (Suz ) ; 4 . Harris Altman (Hon) ; 5 . S/STK NOV: I. Ross Ryals; 2. Jame s Brown ; 3. K. Ross We llwood. LIW S/S TK EX: I. David Yaakov; 2. Brian Su ffridge ; 3. Lee Fie lds . H/W S/STK NOV: I. David Lariviere Jr.; 2. Bill 8Magooa; 3. Ross Ryals. HIW SlS TK ex, I. Roger BeD: 2. Fnnk Shodon. 600 S/ BK NOV: I. Jason Bro wn ; 2. Tom Hughey ; 3. Brandon Parrish. 600 SlB K EX: I. David Weber, 2. Chris Normand; 3. Keith Marshall . 750 Sl BK NO V: I. Ryan Gor don ; 2. Trevor Teafi; 3. Doug Ho pe . 75 0 Sl BK EX: I. Michael Christopher Nelson ( ). 125 C STK: I. Glen Mart in (Kaw); 2. Ilnndon Moon. (Kaw): J . R.ymond ButJe,. (Hon); 4 . Dylan Mu ehlbe rg e r ( Hon); 5 . Tyler Case (Suz) . 250/0 PEN A:. I. Josh Lichde (Sut.); 2. Terry Blake Jr. (Suz); 1. Kyle Pres ton (Suz); 4. Adam Overcash ( ; 5. Jaco b SayJo. (Yvn). 2S0l0 PE N B 5TK: I . z.dwy Hme, (Hon) : 2. And

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