Cycle News

Cycle News 2004 Issue 23 Jun 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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PHOTO BY ADRENAUNE SPORTS PHOTOGRAPH Y LLC Dunlop/WERA National Endurance Series Round 3 : Virginia International Raceway It's Vesrah ~y (Almost) a Mile Bv DAN SCHMITT OANVlUI, VA, MAY 21 ifty-se ve n teams took the green flag at 12:30 p.m. to start the third round of the Dunlop/WERA National Endurance Series. Tray Batey took the early lead on the Vesrah Suzuki GSX-RIOOO, with Reuben Frankenfield, on the Team Velocity Yamaha RI, a few clicks back in second. A five-bike battle for third came next, a m o ng Canton Racing # I , D&D Racing,, B&S Roadracing and Army Of Darkness . After 12 laps, Steve Karson sent the Team Chicago R6 off turn three , bouncing like a F piece of cordwood end to end. coming to rest away (rom the track. Thirty-five minutes late r, Mr. Science Racing crashed in the same comer, leaving a fuel spill that brought out the red nag. ending the action for 22 minutes. At this point, Vesrah Suzuki led , with Canton Racing # I in second and Army Of Darkness in third. At halfway. a fierce battle for second overall a nd first in Middleweight Superstock developed between the Yamahas of D&D Racing and . Team Velocity ran fourth , one lap up from Canton Racing # I , Army Of Darkness and Taylor Knapp/Ray C Racing . Both of the Team Xt re me/Maxxis Tires teams crashed out of contention. Bells Suzuki II ran 13th and first in Ughtweight Superbike. During the third hour, and making one less pit stop, Army Of Darkness moved to seco nd overall. Vesrah Suzuki continued on , gaining another lap on th is 2.3-mile roadcourse. SVmounted Bells Suzuki II moved into the top 10, turning I:36 lap times . Blue Ridge/BBC Racing charged to 13th, second in class. on their 4&6 Racing-prepared Suzuki S'I. Riding the wheels off their Yamaha R6 and making one extra pit stop, D&D Racingmoved to second overall at the start of the final hour. Army Of Darkness was in third . Batey relieved John Jacobi on the Vesrah Suzuki and continued to turn I:32 lap times and gained another lap on the field , putting th e team four laps up . PHOTO BY SHOOT TO TH RILL PHOTO Down to the wire, Army of Darkness (99) chases down D&D Racing (516) at the end of the four-hour national in Danville, Virginia. Canton Racing #1 (60) watches the action. Tray Batey, on the Vesrah Suzuki (1), leads Reuben Frankenfield, on the Team Velocity Racing Yamaha R1 (3), at the start of round three of the Ounlop/WERA National Endurance Series. Cherokee . Knapp and B&S continued to struggle for second in the Middleweigh t Superstock class. Velocity Crew, on the Suzuki 600 , ran ninth o ve ra ll and second in t he Middlewe ight Superb ike class. W ith less t ha n 40 m inutes to go, Sam Fleming got on the Army Of Darkness Suzuki 600 . D&D held a 30-second advantage . On the next lap, Carney Racing ran off the track, and as the Kawasaki cut across the gra ss to re enter the track. it hit D&D Racing. Although D&D didn't go down , the incident cost them 13 seco nds . Now Army was only 17 seconds beh ind . Reeling in D&D at a ra t e of two seconds per lap, Fleming finally got by D&D on the last lap to capture sec ond overall. Team Velocity ran a solid fourth and took the win in the Heavyweight Superstock class. Blue Ridge finished second in the Lightweight class, two laps beh ind Bells Suzuki. Army Of Dark ness continues t o lead in the overall po int s, w it h Vesr ah Suzuki nine CN po ints back . VIRGINIA INTERNAnONAl RACEWAY DANVlW, VIRGINIA RESULTS: MAy 21, 2004 (ROUND 3) O /A: I. Vesrah Suzuki (Suz); 2. Army of Darkness (Suz); 3. D&D Racing (Yam); 4. Team Velocity (Yam); S. Canton Racing # I (Yam) ; 6. (Yam); 7. Taylo r Kna pp / Ray C (Yam); 8. B&S Roa d racing (Suz) ; 9. Velocity Crew Racin g (Suz); 10. Bells Suzuki II (Suz); II. Neighbor Of The Beast (Yam); 12. Ca nton Racing #2 (Yam); 13. Team Tachyon (Hen ); 1-4. Blue Ridge/B8C Racing (Suz); IS. Touring Sport Racing (Apr). lIW SIBK: I. Bells Suzuki II (Suz); 2. Blue Ridge / BBC Racing (Suz): 3. Yeager Racing (S uz). M/W SlBK: I. Army of Darkness (SU1); 2, Velocity Crew Racing (Suz): 3. Canton Racing # 2 (Yam). HJW SlBK: I. Ve sr ah Suzuki (Su z); 2. Canton Racing # I (Yam ); l . Touring Sport Racing (Apr). M/W SISTK: I. 0&0 Racing (Ya m ); 2. Che rok eeC ha lle nge .com (Ya m); 3. Tayl o r KnapplRay C (Yam H/W S/STK: I. Team Velocity (Yam); ). 2. Team Tachyon (Hen); 3. Tea m HMR (Han). Loretta Lynn's Southeast Area Stock Qualifier Smoky Mountain MX Dorsey Slams the Doorl By CINDV GIBSON SEVIERVIUI, TN, MAY 8 A s 2004 's Lo re t t a Lynn' s area qu a lifiers /""\near ed co nclusion, riders from all corners of the United States conve rged on Sevierville, Tennessee, in ho pe s of working their way to upcoming Sout heast regional com pe tition. Victory Spo rt s hos ted t he weeke nd's events at Smo ky Moun ta in MX, whic h includ ed stock qu alifiers running o n Satu rday an d Modified classes competing on Sunday. KTM's Zach Osborn e seems unto uchable on t he t rac k. O sborne qu a lified with a mazi ng pe rformances in t he 125 c c ( 12- 15) class , claiming the ove rall champ ionship in addition to a sixt h-p lace finish (amo ng 39 cont end e rs) in the 12Scc B class. Add itional qualifying positions in the I25cc ( 12- 1S) class we nt to Dustin Rowe le (3-3), William Duffy (7-2), Eric Bean (4-5), Ky King (6- 4), N ath ani e l Ma rt in (B- 7), Rya n 44 Bru mfield (9-8) and Dere k Pitzer (S- 16). Th e 250cc Ope n A class was also a starstud de d event. w ith qualifying winners including Jo sh Lichtle (2- 1), Kyle Prest o n (6-2) , Jaco b Saylor ( I-B), Ryan Stanesu (7-S) and Brando n Stoo ksbury (8-7) . The pressure was no less intense fo r Pee Wees pushing for a regional position in the 5 1cc (4-6) Shaft Stock class. Harrison West headed for the holeshot but too k a slight spill, and Alan Sparks took over and held the lead thro ugh the first lap . C ody Neece an d Rachae l Do rse y bum pe d fe nders just beh ind him. Just befo re the chec kered flag, Neece and We st passed Sparks for first and second, respectively. Sparks held on to third. Mot o one's winning tr io again led the way in mo ta tw o. Dorse y du sted som e of her male counterparts in a heated batt le for fourth. West won first, Ne ece nabbed second, and Spa rks JUNE 16, 2004 ��� CYCLE NEWS Shelby Dorsey of Cumming, Georgia, scored a 1��1 win in the Girls 65cc (9-13) Stock class during the Loretta Lynn's Southeast area qualifier at Smoky Mountain MX. 4 0th A nniver s ary

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