Cycle News

Cycle News Issue 15 April 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CN III VOICES W H A T Y O U A R E S A Y I N G "He should have come out of his pit to afford Marquez the opportunity to apologize, like Stoner did for him." Marquez Versus Rossi Whatever spin either rider tried to put on the unfortunate crash in Argentina resulting in Rossi taking a tumble in the wet grass, a couple of facts cannot be overlooked. Marquez, at that point of the race, was carrying sufficient speed to overtake both Rossi then Vinales at any point or place on the track and with four laps left in the race, there certainly was no need for a risky move if, as Marquez has stated, track conditions were hazardous. Marquez clearly rode Rossi off the tarmac and onto the wet grass causing Rossi to fall, though claiming he locked up the front end, which caused an inability to control the bike. The move by Marquez was dangerous and certainly not unprecedented, and Race Direction made the appropriate ruling to penalize him for his action. Many Marquez support- ers felt it was unfair, referring to Rossi as "Flossi," saying it's part of racing, but reviewing the tapes and interviewing the two riders resulted in the correct action. Let's hope that this is the end to this drama. Anthony Tascione Valentino Rossi seems to have a very selective memory. Yes, Marquez's pass was ill-advised considering the circumstances and his pace. All he had to do was wait a few more corners and the pass could have been executed safely. But Vale would be well served to remember the disaster of a pass he attempted on Casey Stoner under similar circumstances. And perhaps he should search his memory about questionable passes he made on Sete Gibernau. This was a racing move, not a personal vendetta. And now he's afraid of Marquez? Please. He's playing the press like a fiddle. I think he's having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that he is in the twilight of his career and that time will run out before he can surpass Ago's records. And another thing, he should have come out of his pit to af- ford Marquez the opportunity to apologize, like Stoner did for him. At least Marquez wasn't wearing a helmet when he came down, unlike Rossi. Dan Henry Supercross Triple Crown Hopefully they will run more Triple Crown races next year. It's a way better format that provides more excitement, because it allows riders more chances to make up for mis- takes, bad starts or mechanical issues, rather than having one mistake put you in the trailer for the night. We got to see three com- pletely different races in one night! How is that not awe- some? Most people I spoke to love the TC format. I've noticed it's always the same vocal mi- nority that cries about it. I don't get it. As a fan, three races are better than one! Howard Halterman Three races to count as one? Not for me. I had three non- moto people over who ques- tioned me on the whole format. [It was] confusing to them. Personally, I am not a fan. A mechanical is not the norm in current supercross, but a great rider can come through the pack and score valuable points, because it's points through the entire season that make the champ. Crashing and inconsis- tencies all contribute to the demise of a potentially winning season. Jason Anderson works hard at every race to remain in charge of the series. Every rider, from race one, had the same opportunity. Drew Anderson Anderson's Penalty Jason Anderson got robbed. He did not gain positions, he re-entered as soon as safe, and he could not cut through the Tuff Blocks. I couldn't see what he did wrong. John Gepford Letters to the editor can be sent to Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News. Letters should not exceed 150 words and are subject to editing. Anonymous letters won't be considered for publication and each letter should contain the writer's name, address and daytime phone number… Editor P6

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