Cycle News

Cycle News Issue 14 April 10

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CN III VOICES W H A T Y O U A R E S A Y I N G "The kid has no respect for his fellow riders and is a detriment to the sport." Marquez And Argo MotoGP Wow! What a rampage by little Marky this weekend! I guess in Marky's mind the rules don't apply [to him]. The kid has no respect for his fellow riders and is a detri- ment to the sport. The little boy needs to be put in time out before he poisons this year's championship again! It might already be too late for that. Craig Darby Johann Zarco showed some maturity but Marquez did not. Valentino Rossi was smart to ignore Marquez—give him no satisfaction. Wildbill N. Willis Of course, Marquez thinks everyone should get out of his way if they're slower. That's racing. It's not a democracy. It's purely about winning. You don't stop to ask permission to pass and then say "thank you," you take positions from your opponents; they aren't given to you. Marquez's maneuvers just looked like hard racing in dif- ficult conditions. He had far more pace than anyone on track, and as a result, everyone was like a rolling road block to him. In racing, you either need to go faster than those trying to catch you or get out of the way. If you fail to do either, you're likely to be pushed aside. So, it was hard racing. If hard racing is going to be banned, then we should just go to a timed race like Isle of Man and do away with head-to-head style racing. On the other hand, race of- ficials were like keystone cops all weekend and didn't seem to be able to apply any of the rules consistently or accurately. They shouldn't have allowed Canet's move, or Zarco's or Petrucci's if they were going to penalize Marquez's and if they felt Marquez violated the start rules, they should have escorted him from the grid rather than tacitly approving his start by holding the lights until he reset. I mean, why give him a drive through when they were the ones who allowed him to reset on the grid? I think all the riders did their best in difficult conditions this weekend; the only ones who failed were race control officials. Geoffrey Spears I like Marc, but he needs to be really taught a lesson with a few race suspensions, perhaps. Andrus Chesley Nothing seems to get through to Marquez. I think somebody needs to have a serious discus- sion with him behind the trans- porters, a thorough ass-kicking every time he pulls a stunt like today might get his attention. Ronnie Cornelius If Marquez is taught to rein in his emotions then he will be no Marquez. Dean Rye Valentino Rossi: "I'm scared." Huh? Sorry, VR, I'm not buying [that] today. Since Marquez likes to trade paint, then trade paint, dammit! Adam Wright Maybe if Marquez is so much faster—which isn't always the case—he should go around, not through the other riders. These guys are going much too fast to allow contact. Laura Cook Empire of Dirt: Regional Rage Keep [the 250SX class] region- al and allow 250 two-strokes to race (unrestricted) against the 250 four-strokes and watch the entry list go through the roof in the series. Give some fresh new talent a legit shot, without a million-dollar budget. Daryl Dickens Letters to the editor can be sent to Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News. Letters should not exceed 150 words and are subject to editing. Anonymous letters won't be considered for publication and each letter should contain the writer's name, address and daytime phone number… Editor P6

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