VOL. 54 ISSUE 38 SEPTEMBER 26, 2017 P99
Motori Franco Morini factory in Bologna, which had
been its base ever since it was revived.
The new owners were two Milan businessmen,
investment banker Sandro Capotosti, then 58, and
corporate investor Ruggeromassimo Jannuzzelli,
51. Each was the enthusiastic owner of two rather
different Morini V-twin models—Capotosti a new
Granpasso 1200 adventure tourer, and Jannuzelli
one of the classic Morini 3½ V-twin models. As
part of the sale package, they also obtained two
years' free use of the cavernous old Morini factory,
and began working to restart production. This duly
kicked off in April 2012, but rose to a mere 180
bikes in 2013, all sold via the internet. The partners
then moved the company to a new, much smaller
base at Trivolzio, near Pavia, in the risotto rice fields
south of Milan. There, they struggled to lift produc-
tion much beyond the 140 bikes claimed to have
been sold in 2016, leading to Capotosti's exit last