VOL. 54 ISSUE 31 AUGUST 8, 2017 P97
used a KTM 1090 Adven-
ture R—albeit a modified
one—and completed one of
the gnarliest off-road races
on the planet. That gives you
an indication of the kind of
riding you can do on a 1090
(and how good a rider Quinn
Cody is).
I wouldn't go taking the
lower, smaller Africa Twin
into something like the Ro-
maniacs. But then, I wouldn't
be seen dead at the Romani-
acs. Period.
If you get right into it with
your ADV riding, the KTM
is the bike for you. It offers
more room when you're
standing on the pegs, mak-
ing it easier to maneuver
on the trails and easier to
change direction. But the
Honda really isn't that far be-
hind. It's certainly not as far
behind the 1090 as the 1190
was to the Honda last year.
There's not much to
choose between the Honda
and KTM on average dirt
terrain. When things start
getting really hectic, the
KTM is the clear favorite,
thanks to the extra ground
clearance and suspension
more suited to the task of
hardcore off-roading, rather
than a compromise like the
The Honda will hold its
own against the KTM on
rough trails, right up to the
point where most ADV rid-
ers will give up and find an