Cycle News

Cycle News Issue 28 July 18, 2017

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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INTERVIEW N-FAB/AMPRO YAMAHA TEAM OWNER RANDY HAWKINS P74 for his riders Ricky Russell and Josh Toth, Hawkins says it's in their hands. "Josh is riding super well, but winning doesn't mean every time that you're always the hands- down fastest guy. Sometimes you can win a race that the other guy's misfortune. But you have to be there to win it. That's what Josh has been doing. Has he been getting great starts? Not really. But he's been working hard, he's charging to the front. And week in, week out, he's put- ting himself in a position to win and those opportunities have opened the door, and when they did, he took full advantage and he stepped through the door and won events." As for Ricky Russell, "We're happy with Ricky. He never actu- ally had full factory support like he has now with a full mechanic who takes care of everything— practice bikes and all that. It's been a change for Ricky. He's had to be the mechanic, the driver, everything else with his program before, so this year it's taken a little bit to get a grasp on it. Sometimes you got to tell him, 'Ricky, you come in the shop and I'm going to put white gloves on you. I don't need you to be in here working on the bike.' But on the other side, he'll jump in and he can do anything. "He's getting faster and better every event for us. So he's really knocking on the door with start- ing to be a consistent podium guy. Ricky will do a great job for us. I'm expecting to see his results continue to get better." The overall GNCC Champion- ship might be a ways off at this point, but Hawkins is happy to have his team back to where he feels it functions best—some- thing he plans not to move away from again. "I am very pleased with the di- rection that we've moved into 17 and I don't see it changing from the future of how we do things. I'm truly blessed to be around a company and the racers and guys that I am, as well as the fans and the people involved with off-road. It's been a won- derful ride for me and I plan on being around for a while." CN Retired GNCC and OMA champ Paul Whibley is back with the team as mentor, trainer and part-time racer.

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