Cycle News

Cycle News Issue 27 July 11, 2017

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CN III VOICES W H A T Y O U A R E S A Y I N G "I hope you get to race as long as you want to race, damn the naysayers." Ducati V4 While I agree that the V4 is going to be the future of Ducati racing, I will bet that Ducati continues to build a high-end V-twin superbike "just be- cause." There will always be hardcore enthusiasts who will want to ride nothing else. No other motorcycle engine has the sound and character of that Desmo twin; it's a big part of its heritage. I'm quite sure Ducati will sell every V2 they make for the foreseeable future. Howard Halterman Southwick MX I sure hope Eli Tomac doesn't hit the ground hard. He's al- ready had his share of setbacks and I like seeing his explosive rides, which are awesome to behold. In my opinion, we're seeing a matured Eli that has learned to stay out of the head game strategy and manage his pace, which should prolong his career. And when asked to ride MXoN, I hope he acts like a patriot and dumps the GenY selfie attitude. It takes a well-rounded rider to win a championship. Zach [Osborne] has gathered his tools from MXGP, AMA Mo- tocross and Supercross. His determination to use every tool in the box is unmatched in the 250MX class. His results are an inspiration to all that desire to follow suit. Hard work and determination coupled with tal- ent can take you to the top. Gregory Eddinger Blake Baggett is really fast— sore thumb and all, he still got second place. It's only time for Tomac to hit the ground; it will happen. They all ride on the edge. James Turner Nicky Hayden Award Great move from AMA. Now let's get Laguna Seca to name the track "Nicky Hayden Circuit" like they did for Marco Simoncelli at Misano. Cindy Rinaldi They should've named the overall road racing champion- ship trophy after Nicky. Dean Rye 2018 Suzuki RM-Z450 Looks nice. I was just thinking of what we raced in the 80s. Suzuki won the nationals in 2016 with the RM-Z450. I think all this high tech programming and traction control is more farkle for marketing than any- thing else. The truth is, we are so lucky to have all these sweet bikes to pick from. Martin Wolf Rennie at Pikes Peak Well done! That's a great result. Great race and great choice of bike. I am surprised that the Super Duke has no front screen or small fairing. I know you aren't hitting big speeds a lot, but have you experimented with screens in terms of aero- dynamics? I have a sport bike with Renthal bars and I swear the fairing helps to kee my front end planted. JPSV The smoothness evident in your riding is great to watch. I sit here thinking "I could do this" and then I realize there is no way; you are just making it look easy through talent and practice. Great run, pulling for you to win in 2018 if you're go- ing again! Peter Hansen Letters to the editor can be sent to Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News. Letters should not exceed 150 words and are subject to editing. Anonymous letters won't be considered for publication and each letter should contain the writer's name, address and daytime phone number… Editor P6 Got An Opinion? If you've got an opinion on something you've read in Cycle News. Or an opinion on something you'd like to read in Cycle News… or an opinion on anything motorcycle related, send it in. We want to know what our readers think. Email correspondence to Make sure to include your name and a daytime phone number.

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