Cycle News

Cycle News 1985 Issue 13 Apr 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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and work as hard as th e big gnys . Remem ber these are th e big guys of t he futu re. DEE HASE Mom of a ex-mini racer Carbo n Canvon. CA Daytona chains I finished seven th in the Daytona WEST America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Sha ron Clav ton. Publisher Mike Klinger. Comptroller Skip Johnson . Associate Publisher/ Na tion al Sa les Manager Caroline Oendrv. Exrrutiue Secretarv to the Publisher . , Editorial John Ulrich. Editor Kit Palmer, Associatr Editor Matt Hilgenberg, Associate Edi tor Jim wo k-on. Associate Edi tor Rex Reese. Feature Editor Advertising Terry Prall, Sales Mallagn Mik e Spe-ncer, Salt's Managt'T T im Ryan . Sa Irs Managrr Li nda Brown. Advertising Coordinator N(lJ1()' w asn-ll. Adve rtising/Editorial Assistant Graphics and Production Larry Gill . Graphi c Artist Ginp;<'rDeva ul . Associate Gmphir Artist Marion Hatash ita. T YPt'.ft' tt f'r Sheila La rsen, T'ypeset trr De-nnis Greene. Lab. T ech. Accounting/Data Processing Don na Brvan. Accounts R eceiva ble Co()rd;nnt~)T Geneva Repass. Ass;st(w l Fran Hamwey. Credit Circulation Rheba Smi th, M (m ag n Sarah T aylor . As,~;,\'raTlr Lyna Hood, Assistant Dealer Sales and Serv ice Bob Ell ioll . Dealer Sa/t',~ Ma nagrT Want Ads Sit'\"( , (;l'Ufln, Want Ad S(d,', Service and Support Ch r is Aircheson. Rrrrp tionist Gregu ry Hanson. S&t\) West 2201 Cheny Avv.. Long Bea r-h. CA 90806, P,O, Box 49X, LOIl ,~ Bear-h. CA 90801·0,198. (2 1~) ' 127 · 7' 1~~; L.A. Lim' (2 1 ~) 6~6·8HH East 4190 First Ave.. T'urkcr. GA. 30084, P.O , Box 80S, T ucker. GA 3(}()85·0t\O!',. (·u}! ) 9~,1 ·7850. Long: Beach, CA 90HO~. Senmu' c!;ass pos- ta~t' paid at Long Beach , CA. POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to CycleNews. P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801·0498. Subscriptio n rat es: 0 11t' yea r. wrond class mail. 525; two years. second e1ilss mail, 545; three )'t'ars. second class midi $68: 25 we-eks. 5 13. Fore-ign rau-s availuble on reque-st. C\"C1t- News welcomes unso licit ed editor- e n l" News/W esl (USPS H 1·3·10) is pub- l i ~lH"d we-ekl yexo-pt the firsl and last wee-k of the ca le-ndar y('al fo r 52:, p('r yea r hy Cvrle News, Inc" 2201 Chcrrv Avenue. i"oJ rruucria l inc-ludi ng stor ies. cartoons. phOIOS, etc Suc h ma teria l. if published. beco mes the exc-lusive plOlx'l". ty of o e yc"lt' News. Such arcvpu'd man-riulis subject to revision as is 11l'('('ssary in tht- sole disrre- iion of Cvcle News . ll nsofici ted man-rial whi ch is' not used will be- returned if accompa n u-d by a self-addressed stamped en velo pe. All un solicitcd ma teria l will lx- han dle-d wi rh reasona ble (Om', however, Cycle-News ;'ISSl lm (' S no n-sponsibilitv (01 the safetv. loss or damage to such ma n-rial . Rt'print;ng- in who le or part on ly by per- mission of 1/1<'publisher.Advertising- ra tes and r-irr-ula tion information will bc seru upon request. St,t'S,R,D.S. Copyright® Cycle News. Inc . 1985. Trademark Cycle Newsregi stered U.S. Patent Office. All rights reserved . • \ , . 200 thi s year using Tsubaki cha in. But on page 19 of your March 27 issue. RK incl ud ed me in th eir ad as using RK. I would appreciate a note in one of your next issues to correct that, please . 'MIKE HARTH AMA Superbike #12 Oklahoma City. OK Governor Deukmejian Iwo nder what Ca liforn ia Governor Deukmej ians letter (Cycle N ews. March 6) was trying 10 accomp lish. Is he claiming credit for the six-year delay in esta blishing a Fresno County ORV park? Is he tak in g credit for th e exorbitan t cos t of this 47,OOO-acre , project located remotely from most riders in the sta te? Is he aware that 50% of th e land bei ng paid for by riders' green stickie registration funds would no t allow ORV use? Or is he loo king for some (much needed ) good will and votes from riders j ust six months after veto ing the 1984 motorcycle safety bi ll? There's a new motorcycl e safety The number game When I was as ked to work for th e AMA under the leadersh ip o f E.C. Smi th. as hi s competi tion di rector. my first duty was to design a number- ingsystem to present to the then AMA Compe ti tion Comrniuee. I did so with the idea o f a permanen t rider idcn rificar ion system throughout the U.S. for 5.000 licen sed riders . It has worked all th ese years and my theo ry has always been - wh en something works. leave it alone! JULES HORKY ColumbusvOlI Mike Akin Sr. The staff of Double Cross Racing wis hes 10 mourn th e passingof one of our fellow racers. Mike Akin Sr., ni cknamed Hank Mudbone, passed away in his sleep this mont h. Mi ke was a colorful character and possi bly one o f the world's foremost bench race rs. He would give you his bi ke. boot s or beer before you co uld even ask hi m. He helped us set up tracks and was a lways ready to do anyth ing th at wo ul d enha nce th e sport he loved. I had th e pl easure of racing agains t Mike a co uple of mon ths ago at Riv- erside in th e Sen ior class. He had a crash that would have sen t me to the showers , bUI seemed to rev him up in stead . I sti ll have a few bruises left from th e roos t of his big Yamaha as he repassed me. He leaves behind a fin e son who bears hi s name and also races in th e Mini class. I like to think Big Mike is kicking back in a lawnchair with a six pack of what ever th ey serve up there. and th at every day is a Sunday at th e races for him . Godspeed. Mike. 2 ON THE FRONT PAGE: Eddie Lawson on his way to the South African GPwin. Coverage beg- inson page 20 . Photo by Gavin Stapleton. (lnsetl Honda's VT1100C Shadow. Test beg- ins on page 12. RICK CAMPBELL Corona , CA Fred Merkel Concerning th e interview with Honda's " Flying Fred." (Cycle News, March 13). When as ked about th e • Loudon, Road Race in 1984. one of his q uotes was abo ut, " kicking Dale Quarterley 's butt." which I had to reply to!Wak e up Fred , you're dream- in' . Anvbodv who saw th e heat race when Dale stuffed past him in th e last turn. sti cki ng hi s elbow in hi s face knows th e facts. Da le won th e heat. As far as the fina le. Fred had a 100- yard lead in th e fir st few laps. wh ich Dale quickly took care of by passing h im. Fred repassed a lap lat er and proceeded to crash in tu rn one. Dale , was on his bu tt , and i t 's bull to say he got th e oi l flag and Fred didn't. ' Fred is a grea t rider. and only two racers were rea lly capable of bea ring him last yea r, Wes Cooley and my rid er . Dale Quarterley. I wish Fred luck in defending his champions hip in 1985. He 's gonna need it. especia lly at Loudou. KER RY BRYANT Program Man ager SuperTrapp Racing Davi s. CA Cycle News most info rmat ive I don't want 10 miss any action! Pl ease send me any issu es that I may miss in between expiration and re- newal. We use your paper exclusively to know what 's going on in th e world of motorcycl in g; i t is th e most infor- mative paper I knowofon th e ma rket today. T ha n ks for yo ur grea t cover- age of th e fi rst Nationa l enduro of the year at Coalinga, California. Keep up the good work. JAMES H. LYKINS AMA #283988 Salinas. CA More mini riders We, too, are avid rea ders of Cycle N ews. Our family wait s for o ur copy every week .We are in total ag reement with th e mom of a mini racer wh o was di sappointed in your coverage of min i races. Your response was that vou can' t cover all races . . Well , the n occasio nally forget the mororcvcles and cover a mi ni race. (By the' way my son is amot orcycle rarer. ) T hese kids ' Ire .as ded icated bi ll this year - A.B. 412 sponsored by Assemblywoman Dor is Allen. Let 's let th e Governor know we can use his support on the safety issu e too. ALAN R. ISLEY Presid ent Motorcvcle Safe tv Foundation . Costa Mesa, CA Daytona pipes T ha nk you very much for your Day tona coverage and th e rncn t ion of the Super'Trapp ex haust systems on Jimmy Filiceand Gary SCOll'S Yama- ha FZ750s, You mav not have been aware of the newSuper'Trapp Limited Edition Superbike silencers tha t Wes Cooley. Ron Haslem and Mi keHarth used on th ei r Honda Interceptors in conjunc- tion wi th HRC head p ip es. Super'Trapp is a lso proud to an- nounce th e addit ion of a new devel- opmental group within th e Super- T rapp Racin g Departmen t. It is called the Adva nced Research Team (ART). T he new department is respons ible for the design . developmen t a nd building of one-off, hand-buill rac- ing systems. Stainless systems, tapered head pipes. 4-into-2- into- l systems like Gary SCOIl used on the FZ750. etc., were all the responsibility of ART. We also bu ild to any specifica tio ns req uired. Applications are being ac- cepted for sponsorship support eithe r in th e form of direct product sup port , reduct ion in price, etc. WES GERRIET S Marketing Director SuperTrap p Davis, CA Published lettersdo not neces- sarily reflect the position of Cycle News. Inc. Letters for publication must be typed and double-spaced; short. concise letters stand a better chance of being published; due to the volume of mail no letters can be returned or acknowledged. Send letters to Voices. P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801 .

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