Cycle News

Cycle News Issue 25 June 27, 2017

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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FEATURE BOSCH MOTORCYCLE TECHNOLOGIES P118 STATION 3—MYSPIN/2-WHEELER APPS EXHIBITION S tarting in 2018 on select OEM models, software called mySpin could be used in conjunction with Bosch's new ICC display hardware to bring the rider's smartphone content onto motorcycles displays—in a rider-friendly way, of course. Communication between smartphones and the bike's dash will happen via Bluetooth, WLAN, or USB cable, and con- trol over the smartphone and its apps would be done via buttons and rotating wheels found on the handlebars. The types of functions these apps will cover will eventually be unlimited but there are early adopters like Rever, Genius Maps by Mireo, DASH Radio, Calimoto, NaviRider and Glympse. There will also be the ability to access the cloud and offline GPS naviga- tion, trip routing, trip sharing and route suggesting, contact lists, calendars, messaging, media players and real-time following of members on a group ride, to name just a few of the options. A certification process for each new app much be ap- proved by Bosch in advance and each OEM will be able to choose which apps will be made avail- able on which bikes. I strongly recommend to anyone interested in these tech- nologies to research the above apps mentioned. Each had their own unique offerings, simply too many to flesh out here individu- ally. Colorado-based Rever was a particularly cool standout. MySpin apps are able to tap into the bike's own proprietary systems. For example, if a GPS signal coming from an equipped antenna on the motorcycle is stronger than the one found on the smartphone in our pocket, the app can use the bike's supe- rior GPS signal if it runs the app more efficiently. Further sensors on the bike like accelerometers, lean angle and G-force could also be utilized by the apps. You can vary the information and how it's displayed easily with the mySpin system.

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