Cycle News

Cycle News 2017 Issue 21 May 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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IN THE WIND P40 SWM IS BACK! M ost Americans didn't even know that SWM had even left, or even existed. In the 1970s and early '80s, SWM was a fairly popular brand in Europe, mainly in trials and enduro, but the Italian company struggled to make ends meet and ultimately shut its doors by 1985. But, 20-plus years later, SWM is making a come- back. When KTM bought Husqvarna and moved the company to Austria a few years ago, SWM saw an opportunity to resurrect itself by moving into the old Husky factory in Varese, Italy, and starting production of SWM motorcycles again. SWM teamed up with Shinray, a small motorcycle company in China, to help make things happen, and as a result, new Italian-built SWM motorcycles are rolling off the assembly line as we speak. This is really good news for us, especially if you're into off-road-minded dual-sport bikes. SWM wants to import their bikes, which will essentially be street- legal dirt bikes, into the U.S. with reasonable price tags. At least that's the plan. Some of these bikes look very familiar, and that's because they are very Husky-ish. In fact, some of them are nearly identical to the last Husqvarna motorcycles built by the Italians before The Italian manufacturer SWM is once again producing bikes in the vacated Husky plant in Varese. The plan is for U.S. to get reasonably priced, high-performance dual-sport bikes like this 650cc Super Dual.

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