Cycle News

Cycle News 2017 Issue16 April 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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K A W A S A K I K L X 1 4 0 G V S . H O N D A C R F 2 3 0 F V S . Y A M A H A T T R 2 3 0 P118 SHOOTOUT determining what each one has to offer and what matters most to you, like weight, handling, power, com- fort, color, price, etc. But we can say that of the three bikes, the Kawasaki is without question best for the true beginner, or for the novice rider who is more concerned about weight and being able to firmly touch the ground with both feet than with power. If this is the case for you, the Kawi is the way to go. If price is the determining factor, then again, the Kawi is the way to go; it sells for $600 less than the Honda and $500 less than the Yamaha. Performance-wise, the more ex- perienced rider will prefer the 230s for pretty much one reason—power. Choosing between the Yamaha and Honda then becomes pretty much a coin toss, really. These bikes are so similar by the numbers and in perfor- mance that it's almost too close to call as to which one is better; there are only a few real notable differ- ences between these two in our opinion—the Yamaha is $100 cheap- er than the Honda and has more fuel capacity; the Honda has better suspension (and it will look newer longer, if that's important to you). Otherwise, take your pick, you'll be happy with either one. CN YOU CAN ACTUALLY PUSH THE HONDA AND YAMAHA'S SUSPENSION A LOT HARDER THAN YOU WOULD INITIALLY THINK. YAMAHA TTR230 STANDOUT FEATURES •6-speed transmission •Largest fuel capacity (2.1 gal.) •Longest wheelbase Cont. on page ?

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