VOL. 54 ISSUE 15 APRIL 18, 2017 P91
Stemming back to the
XR650R, which is still a
fantastic bike, to the race
bikes you run today, what
do you think Bruce would
have to say?
Bruce wouldn't be a bit
surprised. He saw decades of
evolution of off-road racing ma-
chines and I think that he'd be
very proud of the efforts that we
put into these models. I just got
to think that the education that
he gave all of us, he'd be very
proud of us for putting that onto
the ground and taking it from a
dream to paper to all the way to
the finish line.
Tell us about that evolu-
tion from the XR to the RX.
Going all the way back to
when I started with American
Honda in 1992, the XR line was
their off-road line. More or less
they were off-road trail bikes.
But of course, we raced them.
We modified them slightly and
we ended up racing them and
winning Baja desert races,
Scott Summers ended up
winning a lot of hare scramble
and GNCC titles. So the gap
back then was we have a trail
bike that we built into a race
bike, and the two-strokes were
the motocross bike. Honda's
Campbell indicates
that Honda's all-
new RX platform
will "go further into
future models."