Cycle News

Cycle News 2017 Issue13 April 4

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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But that made them the target for everyone else in the 38-team motorcycle field, especially for the defending San Felipe and SCORE champs from Ox who started sixth. The Monster Energy/Lava Propane/MSR CRF450X bear- ing the 1X enjoyed a good but not trouble-free race. "I was trying to chase them— Justin Morgan was on the bike— and I was going for it!" Rider of Record Samuels said. "I was at 11 minutes [down] and I made up a minute at our next pit and I lost the rear brake [after bending the rotor]. "I sent Stokie to the next pit where [team co-owner and last year's Rider of Record] Colton [Udall] was and let him swap it out. He did the rear wheel and got us back going. That's when Penhall got on it. "At mile 236, I ran down there just to be backup and Penhall was just under three minutes [physically], right behind them so it was tight! He was making time." As fast as Penhall was, part of the reason for the narrowed gap was an issue with the rear axle on 45X. Esposito reported, "When Roberto got on the bike at 180, we had 15 minutes [over 1X physically]. I literally went two miles and stopped for a couple minutes. I thought the mousse was coming apart so I checked that and found out it was an axle issue so I rode to where I could find some rocks to prop it up VOL. 54 ISSUE 13 APRIL 4, 2017 P39 (Below) Daymon Stokie (shown) and teammates Ryan Penhall and Mark Samuels never got into the physical lead, but got to the finish 18 seconds quicker than the eventual runners-up. (Right) Ryan Gustine/Kevin Johnson broke into the top five bikes overall in winning Pro Moto 40 (riders 40 and older).

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