Cycle News

Cycle News 2017 Issue 11 March 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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FLAT TRACK 2017 AMERICAN FLAT TRACK SERIES ROUND 1 / MARCH 16, 2017 DAYTONA INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWAY / DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA P76 in right behind Mees. Pennsyl- vania veteran Don Mullen was having a great a ride in third on his Chester County Kitchen & Bath/Roy Built Kawasaki, but Vanderkooi was on the move. The former Rookie of the Year slipped into third on lap five and dispatched Rush on lap eight. Rush's great ride literally came to a crashing end on lap nine up the inside of you and run you down. I got into the corner and thought, 'all right, get off the cor- ner.' I got off the corner smooth. We were able to give Indian their first win in many years, I'm excited." G&G Racing/Machete Energy-backed Mike Rush had edged Mees in the first semi on his Yamaha and he was tucked hairpin turn that led down the front straight past the grand- stands and what would become the finish line 25 laps later. "I knew if I could just get out there and ride my own race that I'd be fine. I nailed a badass start," said Mees. "You come off the line and you go around a tight, tight, tight corner. You are waiting for a guy to just blow it

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