Cycle News

Cycle News 2017 Issue 08 February 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2017 HONDA CRF450RX VS. YAMAHA YZ450FX SHOOTOUT P74 T he original idea was simple yet brilliant: take a motocross bike and tweak it just a bit for the closed- course off-road race world. Until recently KTM was the only manufacturer doing it with its XC line, which KTM sells more of than any other in its entire orange lineup. Just a few short years ago, Yamaha went after the XC idea, turning the YZ450F MX bike into the YZ450FX, their version of a closed-course off-road race bike. Sales and success of the YZ450FX have proven that it was an excellent move. This brings us most recently to Honda, who has burst onto the closed-course off-road race bike scene with the BY THE CN PHOTOGRAPHY BY * JAPANESE STAND The new CRF450RX now challenges Yamaha YZ450FX for trail supremacy when it comes Japanese-built open-class, course off-road racers. WE COMPARE THE T WO HOTTEST, OFF -ROAD RACE BIKES

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