Cycle News

Cycle News 2017 Issue 01 January 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2016 HONDA CRF450X: PART 2 FULL TEST P72 Since its debut in 2006— replacing the XR650—the CRF450X has seen little changes, and that's because it never really needed them. It's been proven winner in Baja many times over—in fact, it is the winningest motorcycle to ever set foot on the Baja peninsula. It's such a good, comfortable, reliable and long-distance per- former that Honda has decided to keep the "green-sticker" CRF450X ($8440) in its lineup even with the introduction of the all-new non-green-sticker CRF450RX ($9249). It's a deci- sion we believe is a wise one, especially after having just spent a ton of time on the X at the Glen Helen 10- and 24-Hour endur- ance races. We have no doubt that the X can survive the Glen Helen 24-Hour right off the showroom floor, but we found that with a little bit of work, prep and some searching around the garage for old aftermarket parts, the X can still be the perfect ride for long-distance races such as the "biggie," the 24-Hour. READY SET RACE Because we had installed an FMF exhaust system and only changed the needle when we raced the 10-Hour earlier in the year, jetting was a little lean. Part of the 24-Hour prep was to go richer on the main and modify With a bit of prep, our CRF450X sailed right through both the 10- and 24-Hours of Glen Helen. (Left) The X's motor has proven to be reliable over the years but what motorcycle can't benefit from a Rekluse clutch? (Right) We searched the garage for an older set of Baja Designs lights that bolted right up to the X.

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