Cycle News

Cycle News 2016 Issue 42 October 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOL. 53 ISSUE 42 OCTOBER 25, 2016 P27 I've had, I'm so, so amazed." Hancock was elated with the warm recep- tion he received Down Under and paid tribute to the home fans and riders – meeting winner Chris Holder and the absent Jason Doyle. "It was fantastic to win it here," Hancock said. "The Australian people deserve a lot of credit. Obviously they were missing Jason, which is a shame, but Chris won and what a great result." Hancock's night ended after his third ride. He was disquali- fied from heat nine by the FIM Jury under rule 070.10.13, which states "A rider, who, having started in a heat does not make an honest attempt to ride to the best of their ability, as judged by the referee, shall be guilty of an offence, which may entail disqualification from the heat or a penalty." Following the decision, Han- cock elected to withdraw from the remainder of the meeting, and the FIM Jury opted to take no further action. While Hancock's evening end- ed prematurely, Holder stormed his way into the final and blew the roof off Etihad Stadium with a breathtaking triumph over Wof- finden, Zmarzlik and Lindback. It was his first SGP victory in 43 rounds, with his last triumph coming at the British SGP in 2012. It also secured him fourth place in the final World Champi- onship standings. A delighted Holder said, "To be sitting here with the trophy in front of my home fans is amaz- ing. It's sweet. It's something we dream about doing—all us Aussie guys. This is the best feeling in the world apart from being the champ." Last year's world cham- pion Woffinden admits his 2016 season could have been better, but he was still pleased with a "special" silver medal. "Regaining the champion- ship is really hard and not many guys have done it," Woffinden said. "But I gave it my all and to stand here and have a silver medal around my neck is pretty special." As well as lifting the world title, Hancock booked his place in the 2017 SGP series along with fellow top-eight stars Woffinden, Zmarzlik, Holder, Doyle, Pawl- icki, Lindback and Niels-Kristian Iversen. John Hipkiss AUSTRALIAN SGP SCORES 1. Chris Holder 17 2. Tai Woffinden 15 3. Bartosz Zmarzlik 15 4. Antonio Lindback 14 5. Niels-Kristian Iversen 12 6. Matej Zagar 11 7. Michael Jepsen Jensen 10 8. Piotr Pawlicki 8 9. Andreas Jonsson 6 10. Fredrik Lindgren 6 11. Greg Hancock 5 12. Maciej Janowski 5 Hancock didn't finish the night but a heat-race win earlier in the evening was enough to clinch the title.

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