Cycle News

Cycle News 2016 Issue 42 October 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CN III VOICES L E T T E R S T O T H E E D I T O R BMW Vision Next 100 "…so technologically advanced as to be impossible to crash. It's a powerful statement. BMW… is actually presenting a new motorcycle that would make the helmet and tradi- tional riding gear obsolete… the self-balancing capabilities holding the bike upright. It was an impressive display that spoke volumes, immediately substantiating the seemingly far-fetched claims." Nonsense. The first rider to be run over while sitting there with his or her feet up, without helmet or riding gear, won't be obsolete. Just dead. Tod Rafferty Archives I just read Larry Lawrence's latest article ("The Bicentennial Championship," issue number 41) in Cycle News and really enjoyed it! If you have any extra funds, you should consider giving him a raise. He has a great gift. You are fortunate to have him on your staff. Keep up the great work. Clark Francy What if he (Jay Springs- teen) never had the sick- ness that prevented him from competing during his career? He would have probably stacked up a lot more wins. I have met him sev- eral times at different events; the most laid back and likeable guy in the paddock even invited me to go fishing. Thanks, Jay, for all the great rides in the dirt and on pave- ment, you're the man! Robert Day It's About Track Conditions I attended the Miles this year. Phoenix, great track condi- tions, no serious crashes. Then to Sacramento, which I have done for the last six years; fabulous track and conditions equal great racing, again noth- ing serious (crashes). Then to Santa Rosa. I walked in through the displays, found the reserved seats, and to my eyes it was the worst track conditions since the Corona Half-Mile in 1947! If it had been boycotted I would have forfeited my money to save a life. I was seated between the start and turn one and I was watching turn two when Charlotte crashed, dirt/ dust was blinding everyone. When Brad and Bryan went into turn one at 130 mph and got airborne from a large hole, it is a miracle that more crashes did not occur. I am not new to crashes and fatalities, having sponsored bikes at Ascot and Daytona, and elsewhere in California. It is not the talent of the GNC2 riders but the track condi- tions. Cushioned tracks at today's speeds are treacher- ous, smooth-groove tracks are better suited to the bikes and talents of those who are brave enough to ride. I will be at Phoenix and Sac- ramento in 2017. If only Dad (Sammy Pierce) could have seen the Indian Scout at Santa Rosa; he is smiling down on the new Indian Wrecking Crew. Glenn Pierce Greg Hancock World Champ Again What an amazing career! And they say Valentino Rossi is do- ing great at 37. Lost for words to describe this guy. Paul Garrett Letters to the editor can be sent to Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News. Letters should not exceed 150 words and are subject to editing. Anonymous letters won't be considered for publication and each letter should contain the writer's name, address and daytime phone number… Editor P6 "The first rider to be run over, while sitting there with his or her feet up, without helmet or riding gear, won't be obsolete. Just dead."

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