Cycle News

Cycle News 2016 Issue 31 August 9

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOL. 53 ISSUE 31 AUGUST 9, 2016 P61 L ast week in our two-part interview with Ryan Dungey, the 2016 AMA Super- cross Champion talked about racing against Ken Roczen, winning titles, dealing with burnout and his injury that knocked him out of the 2016 AMA Pro Motocross Cham- pionship. If you missed it, click HERE. In part two, he talks about helping children with cancer and his involvement with the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, being photo- graphed naked for ESPN Magazine and what he might do when it comes time to hang up his boots. STORY AND PHOTOGRAPHY BY STEVE COX GIVING We've covered this before, but it should be re- iterated: In addition to all of the responsibilities we listed in the lead of this story—things which are contractual obligations for Ryan Dungey— he spends a lot of his limited downtime doing charity work for St. Jude Children's Hospital in his home state of Minnesota. Every year, he holds a charity bike ride and run called the Minnesota Major. And the truth is, he seems to love it. "This year will be the fourth year that we've held the charity bike ride that I started back in 2012 [they missed a year in there]," Dungey said. "I lost my grandmother in 2005 to cancer, so through my life after that point, I've always wanted to give back and help. And that just got stronger as I got older, and I gained BALLS OUT WE CATCH UP WITH THE 2016 SX CHAMP

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