Cycle News

Cycle News 2016 Issue 11 March 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOL. 53 ISSUE 11 MARCH 22, 2016 P87 DIVE IN Because the engine was cooked (and in pieces in a box) the first order of business was to install a Hod Rods bottom-end kit ($429), which includes a com- plete crankshaft, main bearing seal kit and complete engine gasket kit. Before the crank went into the engine, Crank Works perfectly balanced it by and adding some "heavy metal," an added bonus if you really want a bike without vibration. Since the motor needed a new cylinder, going up in displacement was a given—and easy—with the Cyl- inder Works big-bore kit, which (Above) Two schools of thought: Find a cheap basket case and spend your money building what you want, or buy something new and spend even more money building what you want. Jay Clark went with thought number one. (Left) Clark pumped new life into this 2010 CRF250R, which included pumping it up to 270cc. A trials rear tire is a nice touch for tackling obstacles.

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