Cycle News

Cycle News 2016 Issue 05 February 9

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOL. 53 ISSUE 5 FEBRUARY 9, 2016 P63 BY KIT PALMER PHOTOGRAPHY BY KEVIN WING L ife really doesn't get much better than this when you think about it: one day you're whipping the handlebars from one turn to the other on a twisty back road on a sunny but cool afternoon in Southern California aboard what I think is the ultimate kind of street bike when it comes to just plain ol' 701 ENDURO MODELS A S U R E having fun on the pavement— supermoto—and the next day you've got the throttle pinned in fourth gear down a high- speed sand wash in the middle of the desert on another really fun kind of motorcycle—enduro. Yes, life was really, really good those two days, thanks to the folks at Husqvarna and its two new models—the 701 Supermoto and 701 Enduro. In reality, the 701s are not exactly new, but they are new to Husqvarna. They share the same platform as two bikes al- ready in KTM's lineup—the 690 SMC (Supermoto, which is not sold in the U.S.) and Enduro. This has been the norm with all of the Husqvarna off-road models ever since KTM and Husqvarna tied the knot in 2013.

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