Cycle News

Cycle News 2016 Issue 01 January 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SUPERCROSS ROUND 1 / JANUARY 9, 2016 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA / ANGEL STADIUM OF ANAHEIM P58 MONSTER ENERGY AMA SUPERCROSS SERIES, AN FIM WORLD DON'T MESS WITH PEICK Blame it on opening-round jitters, tensions, rac- ing frustrations or whatever, but Toyota/JGRMX Yamaha's Weston Peick will have some time to chill and think about his actions after punching out Vince Friese after the second of two confrontations he had with the Smartop MotoCon- cepts Racing Team rider on the night. The first confrontation came in a Heat race while Peick was battling for a transfer position with Chad Reed and Friese, who appeared to give Peick an elbow coming out of a turn, causing Peick to run off the track and crash. Some say it was just a rac- ing incident, others say it was a dirty move on Fri- ese's part; either way, it was a debatable incident. The two riders returned in the semi race and Peick and Friese, who do have a history of runs through out their careers, again found themselves battling side by side. At one point during a pass, Peick gave Friese a look over his shoulder, which might've antagonized Friese enough to retaliate in the next turn, but this time he clearly took out Peick, whose temper went off the charts. He got up and punched Friese's helmet not once but five times! And that wasn't all. After the pummeling, Peick gave Friese "the finger," then a shove. Friese did not fight back but kept trying to pick up his bike and get back into the race, which he eventually did. Peick, on the other hand, was in no hurry to resume racing. (He instead went back to the pits.) This bit of elbow rubbing with Vince Friese in a heat race led

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