Cycle News

Cycle News 2015 Issue 31 August 4

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CN III VOICES L E T T E R S T O T H E E D I T O R "They know when they are riding over their heads. Many people say the champions ignore it and go on. I say champions manage it properly." Rennie-isms It appears that while Jean Turner has Rennie's peculiar dialect well in hand, I can only hope some of the more deco- rative "South-Africanisms" will be retained. Clement Salvadori Justin Barcia It is great to see Justin Barcia come to the realization that he can run with the big dogs. Amazing how it sometimes takes that one win, that person- al victory, to light the fire. He is on a "high" right now and it is a great feeling. Now comes the hard part: He needs to restrain the urge to dominate, to "pile on" his margins of victory, his urge to ride over his head, to prove the point. These guys need to understand they cannot win every race. Their careers are one serious crash from tak- ing away championships and one really serious crash from destroying their careers. They know when they are riding over their heads. Many people say the champions ignore it and go on. I say champions manage it properly. I really believe that the up and comers had better take a good hard look at the current pros and decide who's program works the best for them. Being busted up and out of a series does not pay the bills. These guys need to learn to take chances when needed and back off when needed, unless they love being "flashes in the pan." Look at Ryan Dungey. Has not missed a National MX since 2008; third highest of all in national moto wins ($100,000 bonus for each). He may walk away from this profession with very little body damage. This, folks, is a career. Jim Bunch AMA Honoring Wayne Rainey A well-deserved honor! Con- gratulations, Wayne. Mert Lawwill Mert Lawwill is a former Grand National Champion and AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame Legend. -Editor Kudos PJ I woke up at 3 am EST to watch this guy. Brilliant, brilliant race by PJ [Jacobsen], and overall very good entertainment right down to the finish! As much as it pains me to say this (Cam- eron [Beaubier] and JD [Beach] and Roger [Hayden])—he is The One. At least for now. And should be setting himself up nicely for a World Superbike ride next year—work those teams Andrew Pitt! Gosh, I wish that everyone could watch these races at the World Su- perbike site. Great stuff. Bob Close It was only a matter of time. Good on you sir, and let's keep the World Supersport title fight going... Jesse Starks Yes indeed! Have been watch- ing him over the last years—he is the real deal! I hope more will follow… Jesse E Shepherd Letters to the editor can be sent to Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News. Letters should not exceed 150 words and are subject to editing. Anonymous letters won't be considered for publication and each letter should contain the writer's name, address and daytime phone number… Editor P16 Got An Opinion? If you've got an opinion on something you've read in Cycle News. Or an opinion on something you'd like to read in Cycle News… or an opinion on anything motorcycle related, send it in. We want to know what our readers think. Email correspondence to Make sure to include your name and a daytime phone number.

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