Cycle News

Cycle News 2015 Issue 26 June30

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VOL. 52 ISSUE 26 JUNE 30, 2015 P129 Briefly... at 25.464-seconds on his factory Harley-Davidson. That compares to a 25.522-second timed turned by Sammy Halbert in timed qualifying in last year's event. Brad Baker won the first GNC1 heat race over Jared Mees and Briar Bauman. Sammy Halbert won the second heat over Henry Wiles and Dustin Crown. Baker's was the faster of the heats by six seconds (4:28.251 to 4:34.358) earning Baker the pole for the national. Baker chose the out- side lane for the start of the main. Harley-Davidson continues to be the dominant machine at the Lima Half- Mile. Harley riders have won every Lima National since the race began in 1984, with the exception of Ronnie Jones in 1986 and Ricky Graham in 1993, who both won on Hondas. BAKER'S ROAD BACK It was a silly little nothing training crash at Colin Edwards' Texas Tornado Boot Camp in April of 2014 that left Brad Baker with a badly broken left elbow. It was the start of a nearly year-long ordeal that saw the 22-year-old factory Harley- Davidson rider from Eatonville, Washington, trying to regain the form that earned him the 2013 AMA Pro Grand National Championship. It ultimately took two reconstructive sur- geries and months of rehab, but Baker looks to finally be 100-percent healthy. After winning at Lima, Baker suddenly finds himself in a very close fourth-place in the standings, just nine points out of the series lead. With his confidence grow- ing daily it appears that Baker may be the biggest threat to Jared Mees' quest to defend his 2014 GNC number- one plate. "Five months ago I had surgery to replace my elbow for the second time in a year," Baker explained. "Coming back after the injury the first time was hard, but then getting opened up a second time and having a bunch of complications with my surgery and having a dislocated shoulder on top of it, it's probably one of the most difficult things I've been through." The amazing part when you look back on Baker's past year, was the fact that he somehow managed to finish fifth in the series and win a national (at Calistoga) in spite of being far from being 100 percent because of contin- ued problems with his elbow. Now that's he's back to full speed health-wise you can see the confidence is back in his riding. Brad Baker says he's finally a hundred-percent after having two surgeries to repair his elbow from last year's crash at the Texas Tornado Boot Camp.

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