Cycle News

Cycle News 2015 Issue 06 February 10 2015

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOL. 52 ISSUE 6 FEBRUARY 10, 2015 P67 These are separate mod- els, plus we took out the best Husqvarna dealers and inte- grated them with the existing Husaberg dealer network, and what came out of that was a very strong dealer network with great potential for the future. So it was that outstanding suc- cess that convinced me to go much earlier than I had already intended in an on-road direction with Husqvarna. And that's what we are doing now, very aggres- sively. So besides the off-road range, we will produce a complete family of Husqvarna streetbikes from 125cc up to 390cc on a joint Bajaj-built platform with KTM. And we will do the same thing on made- in Mattighofen platforms, all the way from a single-cylinder 690cc up to the 1300cc Super Duke. These will all be distinctly different models badged as Husqvarnas, with a quite differ- ent concept than the equivalent KTM. You will see a real cool- looking power cruiser. You will see modern classics combined with state of the art compo- nents, which will bring back the kinds of bikes you had in the early '70s into the '80s, but in a modern context. They won't be retro like the others—you know, old fashioned, cheap, recycled junk. They'll have really high tech components, but aimed at easy riding, easy rideability. The New Classic. That's the theme of Husqvarna, with KTM as the Ready to Race brand, and to- gether with those two distinct brand concepts we can cover the whole motorcycle world. New Classic—it's not retro, but a new definition, a new market sector taking into con- sideration that not everybody wants to go racing, or to ride like they are doing that every day. Easy riding, cool riding, but with state of the art technology. That's Husqvarna, the New Classic. What's your projection for Husqvarna's sales volume in the future, based on this brand concept? I said in my press conference at EICMA that in 2020 Husqvarna has to become number three in Europe. And I stand by that clear mission statement. It's very simple: Number one is clearly KTM, number two is my favorite competitor, BMW, and number three must be Husqvarna. So it's a clear message that with Husqvarna we have to overtake first Ducati and then Triumph. You have to face up to your competitors and say, "Okay, let's go. Let's go rac- ing!" It's a good message for Mr. Piech [VW Audi chairman], and a good message for Mr. Bloor [Tri- umph owner]. Let's go racing! Only in the market place this time—in the showroom, not on the racetrack. So that means that by 2020 Husqvarna must be selling at least 50,000 bikes a year, be- cause that's what Triumph claims to be selling at the moment. In fact, it's just 35,000 basic sales. And based on that New Clas- sic on-road concept, for sure we'll do it. "ORIGINALLY WHEN WE STARTED WITH AN ELECTRIC OFF-ROAD BIKE ALMOST SEVEN YEARS AGO, IT WAS PRACTICALLY FORCED ON US BY THE FACT THAT IT'S BECOMING MORE OR LESS FORBIDDEN TO RIDE OFF-ROAD ANYWHERE IN CENTRAL EUROPE."

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