Cycle News

Cycle News 2014 Issue 48 December 2

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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P92 BY STEVE BAUER CN III FRIENDLY FIRE W ith the 2015 Supercross season about to kick off in just over a month from now, it is safe to assume that all of the riders and their teams are in a very serious mode of preparation. The last outdoor National was over three months ago and it's been six weeks since Trey Canard gave Davi Millsaps a hundred grand at the Monster Energy Cup. Riders have had a chance to check out their new bikes, and in some cases, new teams. Mechanics are out at the test tracks with their riders at least three days a week, trying differ- ent engine mapping, pipes and suspension settings. They watch carefully as their guy pounds out lap after lap, stopwatch in one hand and pit board in the other. When he pulls in, they get some feedback from him, check the telemetry (if equipped for it), log the data and try something else. Lather, rinse, repeat. It's a grind, maybe not as much of a grind as some jobs, like yours and mine, but a grind nonetheless…and the season hasn't even started yet. The average fan that shows up at Anaheim Stadium on Janu- ary 3 has no concept of what it takes to put a rider on the start- ing line of a Supercross race. He walks around with his eyes glazed over, mesmerized by how sano the bikes look and how BEHIND THE SCENES

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