Cycle News

Cycle News 2014 Issue 39 September 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOL. 51 ISSUE 39 SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 P23 "A few weeks ago, I was think- ing I wasn't good enough to race speedway because I was totally down," he said. "It's so hard to race if you are not 100 percent sure when you sit on your bike. It's really tough to fix all of your problems in one day or one mo- ment. After so many bad races, I've been working really hard on myself to find a reason and find the problem that was causing me to go so badly. It's not that easy. Sometimes you need to take one step back to make two steps for- ward. I feel like I did that. "I've had some trouble with the bikes, of course, but when I've been out on the track, I haven't believed in myself. I'm not bro- ken, though. I tried to think posi- tive and I learned a lot day by day about myself; I figured out the best thing for me to do and how to enjoy it again. I feel much bet- ter now." John Hipkiss PHOTOGRAPHY BY JOHN HIPKISS ROSSI A-OKAY AFTER CRASH V alentino Rossi crashed out of Sunday's Grand Prix of Aragon in Spain after running off track and hitting the wet artificial turf that lines parts of the Motor- land Aragon circuit. Although he was carted off the track by medi- cal personnel and was transport- ed to undergo a CT scan, Rossi checked out fine and was back at the track on Monday where the team was being featured in a commercial. "I'm fine, everything is okay, and this is the most important thing," Rossi said in a Yamaha re- lease on Monday morning. "I did not injure myself too much except for a big bump to the head. Last night I had a little headache, but today I'm fine, I'm 100 percent. It was a real shame because be- fore the race we made a change that would have helped me a lot; the bike was strong, I was going well, I had recovered the gap in the first few laps and I was there with the leading riders. I felt good and I am sure I could have made a good race, so it was a real shame to fall. In a way I'm almost glad because even though we had a difficult weekend on Sun- day we were competitive and this was supposed to be a track that is not very good for us." Rossi watched the race on re- play and commented on what he saw. "Unfortunately, like [Andrea] Iannone I went onto the artificial grass," he said. "This is always very dangerous and especially in these cases because the track was still wet from the morning shower and there was nothing to be done. Marc [Marquez] and Dani [Pedrosa] tried to stay on track on the slick tires, but they took a big risk and in fact they crashed. In my case, if I had gone off track one meter before, I would have just gone wide, in- stead I touched the grass and I fell." Valentino Rossi didn't suffer injury in his crash from the Grand Prix of Aragon on Sunday. PHOTOGRAPHY BY GOLD & GOOSE

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