Cycle News

Cycle News 2014 Issue 06 February 11 2014

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2014 AMSOIL ARENACROSS SERIES UPDATE VOL. 51 ISSUE 6 FEBRUARY 11, 2014 P83 then got picked up last week by Tuf and now things are really good." Spinechill- ers Mike McDade is now in his second season of Amsoil Aren- across, and after finishing fourth overall last year, McDade seems to be a veteran of the series at this point. The Ohio rider has two overall wins thus far this season and is again running fourth in the championship, 11 points behind Hayes. "I think I've found my niche," McDade said of Arenacross. "I've done Supercross and outdoors and I seem to fit in here best. My Kawasakis are good this year and I'm not winging it week to week on my own anymore, because we have a good program and I'm looking forward to the rest of the series." A newcomer to the series but a name that was pretty well known in the National MX Series a few years ago is TiLube/Tuf Racing/ Pabst Blue Ribbon's Kyle Regal who claimed his first main-event win ever at Milwaukee. "It's been rough and not what I expected," Regal said of joining Arenacross racing. "I haven't rid- den a 250 since I started my pro career four years ago and I'm one

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