Cycle News

Cycle News 2013 Issue 41 October 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ROUND 15/OCTOBER 13, 2013 SEPANG INTERNATIONAL CIRCUIT/SEPANG, MALAYSIA MOTOGP P56 MOTOGP WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SALOM OPENS IT UP Once again, Moto3 was the race of the day - for tension, excitement, overtaking and a sustained battle to the end. The surprise of the weekend was the strength of the Hondas through practice, and for much of the race. And one of the Mahindras. Miguel Oliveira qualified fourth, but bogged down off the line, and was second from last into the first corner. His progress through the field at maximum risk was something to behold: up to 14th at the end of lap one, and with the huge lead group just a few laps later. It was rewarded by the lap record (his third this season), and a fighting third – a first podium for Mahindra, and for an Indian manufacturer. The front pack laid on a most entertaining brawl. On lap six there were still 12 riders within 1.5 seconds of the leader. By half distance the group was down to seven, with Jonas Folger dropping off the back of it, followed soon afterwards by fast starter Alexis Masbou. Efren Vazquez was also gone by now, slipping off under braking while well placed in the group. Teammates Alex Rins and Alex Marquez had most of the leading, after taking over from fast-away pole qualifier Luis Salom. Oliveira was up to third for the first time on lap 11, disputing the spot with Salom. Right behind Jack Miller was battling with Maverick Vinales. Vinales made a big lunge to third on the penultimate lap while Marquez was struggling, now under attack from Miller. But victory was for a very aggressive and determined Salom, from Rins and Oliveira. Four tenths behind, Marquez was ahead of Vinales, who outdragged Miller out of the last corner then swerved across his front wheel - earning the sanction of one penalty point.

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