Cycle News

Cycle News 2024 Issue 25 June 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOLUME ISSUE JUNE , P75 BY SHAN MOORE PHOTOGRAPHY BY KEN HILL H ot off a big come-from-behind victory at the previous round in Pennsylvania—the Mason Dixon GNCC—FMF KTM Fac- tory Racer Johnny Girroir claimed his second win in a row and fourth of the season at this year's Snowshoe GNCC held at Snowshoe Mountain Resort, in Snowshoe, West Virginia. Girroir ran second for most of the race behind the two Baylor brothers, Stew- ard and Grant. First behind Steward and then Grant. SNOWSHOE GNCC Steward Baylor (514) leads the unique start at the Snowshoe GNCC in West Virginia. SNOWSHOE GNCC SNOWSHOE

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