Cycle News

Cycle News 2024 Issue 24 June 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Davis Wins Seneca Highlands AMA East Hare Scrambles G rant Davis took some time off from the GNCC Series, where he is currently lead- ing the points in the XC2 class to win round four of the AMA East/NYOA Championship Hare Scramble, on June 16. Davis, who got his start racing in this re- gion, said it felt to be good back home and on the podium with family and friends. The 1000 racers ascended on the small town of Odessa, New York, on a gorgeous early summer day. Fifteen AA racers lined up for the 13-mile two-hour race. Ian Potter (Beta) got the holeshot and took the early lead, with Davis (KTM) hot on his tail. Ben Wright (KTM) settled into the third position through the first portion of the grasstrack before heading into the woods. Unfortunately for Owen Barnes, a local young favorite got tangled up with Logan Kraus (KTM) in the first turn, leaving both of them underneath their bikes. Barnes re-entered the race in last place and 20 seconds down. After lap one, it was Davis in the lead, with Potter giving chase about 30 seconds back. Wright still held third. At the end of lap two, the top three paused for fuel and returned to the track. Potter maintained a solid second place behind Davis. Wright, however, pulled out after expe- riencing multiple get-offs in one lap, one of which left him rattled. Third place was now taken over by young gun Cooper Davis (Husqvarna). At the midway point, Owen Barnes (Husqvarna) began to make the move on Cooper Davis while holding down fourth. Fifth place was Kenneth Held Jr. (Suzuki) who came around on lap one in 11th place, despite suffering some bad crashes on the fast track. WIND IN THE P52 In the end, Grant Davis won, with Potter taking second. Third place went to Barnes, who, in a mo- ment of excitement, decided to wheelie through scoring in front of the event referee, which sub- sequently got him docked 30 seconds. This put Cooper Davis into third place overall. The top amateur was B 250 racer Jacob McPherson (Husqvarna), and the top female racer was Cheyenne Sisenstein (KTM). Kenny Held OVERALL 1. Grant Davis (Kaw) 2. Ian Potter (Bet) 3. Cooper Davis (Hus) 4. Owen Barnes (Hus) 5. Benjamin Bouwens (Kaw) 6. Kenneth Held Jr. (Suz) 7. Grant Maryott (Suz) 8. Bailey Flynn (Kaw) 9. Sean Benhart (KTM) 10. Skyler Kapalski (GG) Grant Davis (center), Ian Potter (left) and Cooper Davis (right) went 1-2-3 at the AMA East Hare Scrambles round in Odessa, New York. PHOTO: KENNY HELD

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