Cycle News

Cycle News 2024 Issue 17 April 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ROUND 4 / APRIL 27, 2024 TEXAS MOTOR SPEEDWAY / FORT WORTH, TEXAS FLAT TRACK I PROGRESSIVE AMERICAN FLAT TRACK, SANCTIONED BY AMA PRO RACING P94 Mees gave it a shot at the end. "It was one of those things," he said. "I got out to the lead but really didn't get to hold the lead for very long at all. Dallas got right back by me and shuffled me back, and then at one point Brandon got a pretty good gap on me. I just tried to put laps to - gether to get to him, and I got to him. But as soon as I did, I about highsided off his back wheel off turn four. That just killed my options for later on when I recaught him. When I did, the checkered flag was there. It's a bittersweet one. There was a lot of chaos out there, but it made for a good main event." Bauman flashed the pace to contend throughout the day as The brakes came back in just in time, allowing Robinson to repel a last-corner overtake and claim the checkered flag twelve- hundredths of a second ahead of Mees. Daniels came home third, a few tenths further back as he sat ready to pounce should Robinson and Mees tangle in conditions ripe for drama. Robinson credited the Mis - sion Roof Systems crew with helping him get his team their first premier-class DFW victory. "The team was good today. They kind of bailed me out of a spot a few times today, making some changes—and the right changes—a few times. Man, that was the longest 25 laps I think I've ever done." Robinson actually looked to have the measure of both, slip - ping away at the front before Mees summoned up a charge to position himself back to within striking distance in the race's waning moments. It turned out Mees' comeback was fueled in part by misfortune on Robin - son's part—a development that put Roof Systems' designs for the top of the podium very much at risk. "I was thinking, 'Okay, we've got this.' And then with four min - utes to go, we lost brakes, which was not fun. This is not a track to lose brakes on at all. So, for about two minutes, I was hold - ing on for dear life and trying to not make a mistake." It might've taken a little longer than expected but Chase Saathoff (88) finally nabbed his first Singles victory.

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