Cycle News

Cycle News 2024 Issue 06 February 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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race one, the defending champ just couldn't get to the front as fast as Breece. With Austin Po- litelli sandwiched between them, Peters watched as Breece ran away with the early lead. Then, in main two, Peters struggled to get through the front row. After five laps, he managed to get into podium territory, but Breece had checked out with an insurmount - able four-plus-seconds lead. Politelli earned a pair of thirds after a successful heat-race win. Night two saw the same set of results in the final races of the weekend. Breece got to the lead on lap two after overtak - ing Crockett Meyers and never looked back. Meanwhile, Peters started back in ninth and took nine whole laps to move into second. Breece again worked up a five-second lead and was untouchable in race one. Politelli battled Izaih Clark for third. Main two saw both Breece and Peters start out on row two. Carnage on lap one allowed Kyle Bitterman to lead early while Breece sliced through the field on the opening laps. By lap four, the Yamaha rider took control of the lead with Peters hot on his heels. The gap stayed less than one second between the two, but Breece managed to hold the top spot. A clean sweep of the weekend moves him just nine points back from Peters. CN Friday (Round 9) 1. Ryan Breece (Yam) 1-1 2. Kyle Peters (Hon) 2-2 3. Austin Politelli (GG) 3-3 4. Kyle Bitterman (Hon) 4-5 5. Devin Harriman (KTM) 5-7 Saturday (Round 10) 1. Ryan Breece (Yam) 1-1 2. Kyle Peters (Hon) 2-2 3. Austin Politelli (GG) 3-3 4. Izaih Clark (Hon) 4-5 5. Mason Kerr (Hon) 6-6 VOLUME 61 ISSUE 6 FEBRUARY 13, 2024 P37 (Below) Breece is making the AMA Arenacross Championship interesting with his late season charge. (Below right) Defending champ Kyle Peters was second both nights and sees his championship points lead getting smaller and smaller.

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