Cycle News

Cycle News 2023 Issue 41 October 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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lead, and, just past the halfway point, the two were neck and neck. Due to fuel restraints, the Honda team had to pull in for gas and a rider change at the end of the third lap; the KTM duo, how - ever, put their larger gas tank to use and set out for an extra lap, hoping to make up ground with clean air. Fifteen minutes later, Klein came into the pits, dumped fuel, and handed the bike over to older brother Mason before pulling back onto the racecourse ahead of the N1 team. With lap - pers and dust becoming more prevalent, the running order stayed the same on the final lap and the Klein brothers stretched their lead out to nearly 90 sec - onds at the finish. Behind the leaders, two Expert teams found themselves battling for top Expert overall. Jack Miller and Austin Farley, both teenag - ers, passed through several Pro entries to move up their Taco Moto/City Paving/AHM Husqvar- na TX 300 into third overall on the day. Just seconds behind them sat the 30+ Expert team of Robby Brockman and Josh Row on their Synthetic Lawn Solu- tions/Duncan-backed team. Day two started off much the same, with the N98 bike rounding the first turn in front, but the N1 Honda quickly powered past and was into the desert first. The N1 team utilized dust and a quicker pace to their advantage, building out a lead by the end of the first lap. By the end of lap two, Hintz/ Hunter held a steady lead, but the Klein duo played it smart and switched riders and poured fuel early, getting enough of a gap ahead to stay out of the dust and make up time in the long run. Running strong in the lead, the N1 team started experienc - ing some issues which saw their lead diminish to mere seconds on the third lap. After a quick pit, the defending champions tried to push the pace again, but problems persisted, and the two played it safe and brought it into the finish behind the winning Klein brothers, who finished 1-1 on the weekend overall. Behind the Open Pro bikes, the young Expert team of Farley/ Miller brought their TX 300 into the finish for third overall on the weekend, with Travis Dillon/Nick Burton/Josh Row moving up to first Open Expert on their Rowley White RV Honda. Rounding out the top five overall was Steven Wheeler/Aiden Poulson, winning the 399 Pro class aboard a Front - line Suspension-backed Beta. Other notable finishers include top Ironman and overall Ama- teur rider Maxwell Claunch, top Ironman Expert Chris Garnett, and 16-year-old Robert Lock who placed second in Ironman Amateur. Overall (Unofficial) 1. Mason Klein/Carter Klein (KTM) 2. Hayden Hintz/Trevor Hunter (Hon) 3. Austin Farley/Jack Miller (Hus) 4. Travis Dillon/Nick Burton/ Josh Row (Hon) 5. Steven Wheeler/Aiden Poulson (Bet) VOLUME ISSUE OCTOBER , P37 Austin Farley and Jack Miller teamed up to win the Expert division in third overall.

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