Logan Leitzel inherited second
place and held Shelly off for sec-
ond in the moto and third overall.
Shelly's 1-3 netted him sec-
ond overall. Shelly will make his
Supercross debut next year.
In between the featured Pro
motos on Sunday were several
special motos. The 2023 Iron
man Classic, sponsored by Fun
Center Powersports, went to
Seth Kready after a last-lap pass
for the win.
In the other special intermis
sion races, Luke Roche won the
65cc Kessler Cup, sponsored
by Montgomeryville Cycle
Center. The 85cc Top Gun Mini
Cycle Shootout, sponsored by
Crossroad Powersports, went to
Michael Gurda, the Fast Fifties
moto was won by Andre Wil
liam, and Jaden Palmer took the
125cc All-Stars moto.
Kawasaki and the local partici-
pating Kawasaki dealers have
been the event's title sponsor
since 1982, and their support of
this event has never wavered.
Local Kawasaki dealers showed
their support, and Fun Center
Powersports, Montgomeryville
Cycle Center, Toms River Marine
& Motorsports and Crossroad
Powersports participated in vari
ous motorcycle giveaways on
Scott Lukaitis
Open A Overall
1. Bryce Shelly (Yam)
2. Ricci Randanella (Kaw)
3. Robert Piazza Jr (Yam)
4. Cory Carsten (Suz)
5. Dakota Kessler (Yam)
250 A Overall
1. Jeremy Smith (Hus)
2. Bryce Shelly (Yam)
3. Logan Leitzel (Kaw)
4. Jesse Wessell (Hus)
5. Ashton Arruda (GG)
Bryce Shelly (434) won three out
of four motos on Sunday, taking
the overall in the Open A class and
second in the 250 A class.