Cycle News

Cycle News 2023 Issue 35 September 6

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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With the win, his third at Indy and 37th in his career, Smith also moved into second place in the Pro Stock Motorcycle stand- ings as the field is set for the Countdown to the Champion- ship, NHRA's six-race playoff. "I've always said you only need to be good at the last six races to win a championship, so now it's time to turn it up," Smith said. "I will say that if I go on and win my seventh championship, I will take next season off. I'm not saying I'm going to retire, but I will take a year off and focus on [teammates] Jianna [Evaristo] and Angie [Smith]. "The way I see it, this cham - pionship is Gaige's to lose. No matter if he won this race or lost in the first round, he was going to come out of here as the big- gest loser because he's going to lose the most points [with the Countdown reset]. The whole class gained on him. Now, we just need to get him out early at the next race. Earlier this season, I wasn't sure if a seventh [cham - pionship] was possible this year, but now I know I can do it." Arana Jr. couldn't match Herrera's elapsed times, but his GETTRX Buell was the fast- est bike in Indy with multiple 200-mph runs. The former Indy champ scored wins against Chris Bostick, Kelly Clontz and Angie Smith to reach his 32nd career final. The next six events in the season will now determine the championship. While Herrera is the top seed, his lead is now just 20 points over Smith, while the entire top 10 is separated by just 110 points. The next event will be the Pep Boys NHRA Nation - als in Reading, Pennsylvania, September 14-17 at Maple Grove Raceway. Kevin McKenna Final: 1. Matt Smith (Suz) 2. Hector Arana Jr. (Bue) WIND IN THE P56 In the final, Smith (far lane) went up against Hector Arana Jr, who red-lighted.

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