meaningfully contribute to the
event's history. (While hot weath-
er may have negatively impacted
attendance last year, it still
raised more than $41,000.) Since
the 501(c)3 Foundation's incep
tion in 2013, it's raised more than
$2.1 million for its mission of
"Protecting and Supporting the
Lives of Off-Road Riders" and
currently has an annual operat
ing budget of $120,000 used for
funding safety initiatives across
the country, both in motocross
and off-road competition.
Part of that budget goes to the
scholarships the KCF awards each
semester. For fall-semester 2023,
the recipients of the scholarships
of $6600 each were Braxton Good
of Huber Heights, Ohio, and Corey
Wettstein of Ontario, Oregon. They
bring the total number of re
cipients to 55 receiving $145,700
since the program began.
"After many years doing it, to
see people show up is so impor-
tant for us," FMF's Donny Emler,
Jr., President of the KCF, said. "A
lot of these people didn't even
know who Kurt might've been,
but it's so cool to see people
come here and want to learn
about what we're doing as a
foundation, and who Kurt was. I
think we always do a great job of
immortalizing him—making sure
he's present here, his image and
likeness are here, his smile.
"I think people come back or
want to come because, first of all,
it's in a great location—it's in the
heart of SoCal motocross and off-
road racing here. You mix a little
wine and fun and raffles and give
aways, and people will support
it. A lot of these people spend so
much time at the races or riding or
camping with their families, and I
think it's nice for everyone to get
together as one big off-road com
munity and see people here [away
from the seriousness of a race
environment] and I think people
appreciate that."
While the Foundation works
year-round raising funds, its
next major event will be the 11th
annual Kurt Caselli Ride Day, ten
tatively scheduled for December
2, 2023, at Fox Raceway in Pala,
California. To keep up with KCF
news, go to
Mark Kariya
(Right) The Caselli/MotoDoffo Winery
Fundraiser isn't just for adults—kids
had a variety of activities to enjoy
like the face-painter whose work
Kobe Kamo appears to approve of.
(Bottom right) The Doffo Barrel Room
provided a moto-centric place to
enjoy the company of others as well
as food and drink.