Cycle News

Cycle News 2023 Issue 21 May 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Smage Tops Colorado MotoTrials S herco's Pat Smage domi- nated rounds three and four of the NATC MotoTrials National Series in Canyon City, Colorado, May 27-28. Smage was perfect on Satur- day. The Sherco rider had a clean day with no marks on his card after three laps. And on Sunday, Smage was nearly perfect again, dropping just two points after all was said and done. However, GasGas rider Josh Roper did keep Smage honest, especially Saturday, when he nearly kept pace with Smage. Roper dropped one point the first lap and another the third lap, and that was all. Roper finished two points back. The points gap, however, grew on Sunday. Roper dropped a whopping 16 points to Smage's two. "Saturday was pretty good," Roper said. "The sections were quite long, so the riders were constantly rushing to try and get through the sections. Obviously, you can't rush the hard parts. It's frustrating when the entire trial is easy, and one rock determines your whole day. I had one mis - take on the first lap and then I had another mistake in the Pro Shootout in the fourth section, so I ended with two points total. Smage stayed clean the whole time, so congrats to him, that was a really good ride. "On Sunday, I got lucky and barely snuck away with a sec - ond. My first lap, I had a silly one in one of the sections and then second two laps were clean up until section 12—that section ended up hurting me the most. I five'd it all three times, which ru - ined me for the day. Smage was the only one to make it through that section." Sherco had two bikes on the podium both days. Alex Myers edged out Beta's Alex Niederer for third Saturday, 17-19. It was even closer Sunday, as he nipped GasGas' Daniel Blanc-Gonet for third by a single point. Niederer was fifth Sunday. Madeleine Hoover was a double winner in the Women's Pro division. It was a two-rider showdown in the class between GasGas' Hoover and Sherco's Kylee Sweeten. Hoover took the win with room to spare Satur - WIND IN THE P50 Sherco's Pat Smage stood at the top of the podium both days at the NATC MotoTrials National in Colorado. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE VETTERLY

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