Cycle News

Cycle News 2023 Issue 13 April 4

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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We showed you on the cover 50 years ago just how wet and muddy it can get racing in Idaho in the Springtime. This rider was proof... Cycle News contributor John Ulrich traveled to Sacramento to chat with then-California Governor Ronald Reagan about all things motorcycles... Cycle News covered a bicycle motocross race at Sycamore Park in Malibu, California... We also covered the first Baker- to-Vegas Hare & Hound, a point-to-point desert race for novices and beginners only. Dave Spangler was the overall winner. The race attracted 1000 participants... Paul Smart won Dallas International Motor Speedway's first road race National. YEARS AGO APRIL , P128 LOOKING BACK I Our 1983 Kawasaki KZ1000R test bike was pictured in action on the cover of Cycle News 40 years ago... Freddie Spencer and Kenny Roberts went 1-2 at the World Championship Road Race opener in South Africa... We took a close-up look at Dave Roper's Team Obsolete Matchless G50 Daytona Vintage winner... Georges Jobe led Team Suzuki to victory at the Trophee des Marques MX in Belgium... We showed you the 500cc factory MX racers on the National circuit... Ed Lojak won the ISDE Qualifier in Tennessee. YEARS AGO APRIL , Our 1983 Kawasaki KZ1000R test bike was pictured in action on the cover of 1-2 at the World Championship Road Race opener in South Africa... We took a close-up look at Daytona Vintage winner... the Trophee des Marques MX in Belgium... We showed you the 500cc factory MX racers on the National circuit... Qualifier in Tennessee. Rodney Smith won (Left) the Steele Creek GNCC 20 years ago. (Below) We showed you the latest 500cc factory MX racers, such as this Suzuki RN500, 40 years ago.

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