others, we all made it through. Now
that everyone was wide awake and
warmer, we soaked in the incred-
ible 360-degree views from the top.
Dropping back into the basin floor,
we rode some great fun, fast, flow-
ing dirt roads through Gooney Bird
to Gemini Bridges. The traction
and dirt were perfect. We checked
out some of the out-and-back Jeep
trails like Metal Masher along the
way. Continuing on Gemini Bridges
Road, we headed North on Hwy
313 to Mineral Canyon Road, past
Mineral Canyon Arch, Fruit Bowl,
and the highland area. It was worth
the haul as we came to a cool set of
Jeep-sized switchbacks. The switch-
backs made for beautiful views and
dropped us down to the Green River
for more great photo ops.
We chased the Green River North
on some epic dirt roads, moto-ing
up multiple canyons to dead ends
until we ran out of options. As the
sun started to drop behind the can-
yon walls and we found ourselves
unable to find an alternate route
out of the canyons, we decided to
head back the way we came in. As
we left the canyon, a dozen or so
wild horses blocked our path. They
VOLUME 59 ISSUE 46 NOVEMBER 15, 2022 P89