Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Bill Huth (left), owner of Willow Springs Raceway, accepts t he Jon Woo Memorial Safety Project award for excellence in race track safety. The presentation was made by Jerri Woo (center) and Bruce Hammer. May 21 will be open house at Mal- • colm Smith Motorcycles in River- s ide, Calif. In addition to 01' Mal - colm himself, the gang from Team Husky will be there to sign auto- graphs,bench race, etc. If you're interested in attending , give the folks at Malcolm Smith a call at 714/687-1300. The National O bserved T ria ls Cham- p ion sh ip Series comes to southern California on Saturday, May 28. The event will be held at Drinkwater Flats in San Francisquito Canyon, which is near Valencia. The ri ders runni ng 1-2 in the point standings, Bern ie Schreiber and Dwa in e Walters, are both from southern California and ought to be enthused about ri ding in front of a h ometo wn crowd, For mor e information on the event, call 213/ 869-8103. ISDE /enduro star Jack Penton has joined Hi-Point Racing Products, where he will be working in sales and promotions. As a Hi- Point "ambas- sador, " Pent o n will attend many of the National Hare Scrambles a nd Enduros, and wi ll conduct r ider semi - nars at some events. Pent o n will be based out of Hi-Point's Lora in , O h io, office. . Memorial Day weekend will see the Southern California Motorcy- cle Association presenting the sev- enth annual Un ited States'Motor- cycle Jamboree. Held at the Kern County Fa irgrounds in Bakersfield, it promises to be three days of exhibits; seminars, movies, motor- cycle events, dress competition, and a live band . The Seattle Cos- sacks and Victor McLeglen Motor Corps will both be there perform- ing their precision drills. The full details can be obtained by calling 714/622-6484 . round of the World Road Racing Championship. A tip of the Wealey duckbill to Fast Freddie Spencer for carrying Henriy Ray Abrams' story and photos back from Europe and dropping th em off in Atlanta near the Cycle New s I East offices. The American Road Raci ng Asso- c iation w ill be having a ra c e at Riverside Int ernational Raceway o n May 21-22. It's their second annual Silver Cup , and one of the h ighlights w ill be t he d isplay of Don Vesco's new land speed record streamliner in the p its . Fo r more inform a ti o n on the race, call 805 / 966-5700 . Saturday is open prac- tice; a ll rac ing occu rs on Sunday. American Honda's Service Divi~io~ is conducting a product update cam- paign to replace a part of the Honda- line Type II audio system for Gold Wing and other Honda touring mod- els. Honda will rep lace at no cost to eligible consumers the existing inter- co m /component terminal used in H ond a fair in gs with an improved un it. Conditions of the exchange are that it must be performed at a Honda motorcycle dea ler and the existing equipment must not have been modi- fied or subjected to accident or abuse. The program is being implemented now through Sept. 30. Kathy Hoy has been named man- ager of the Wrangler S uper Series. Hoy, 26 , has been employed by Wra ngler's pa rent firm since Feb- ruary 1982, and was initi all y in - volved in Wrangler's rodeo p ro - gram. Most recently Hoy was man- ager of Wrangler' s National Tractor Pu lle rs As sociation Championship Pu lling Series, and in fact, reta ins that job in addit ion to her ne w duties. back racing by the July Indy Mile, but I won 't race until I'm ready." Travel around Washington, D.C ., proved to be difficult to many people ' attempting to get to or from the Wrangler Supercrou. Bob Hannah's mechanic, Brian Lunnis, summed it up the best when he said , "This town is unbelievable to get around Inl " Adding to the con- fusion was an air show at Andrews Air Force Base, which served to further snarl the flow of traffic in the area . Team Panther, the Sure-Fire Dis- tributing Ducati dirt track effort, unveiled their labor of lo ve at the . Springfield Mile. The Ducati Pan- tah TT600 engine has been bored and stroked to 750cc by Reno Leoni and sits in a tube frame which ut ilizes the engine as a stressed member. A box-style swingarm is utilized. Eddie Wil- banks did the frame work and it fancy red, white and blue gas tank, seat, tail section combo . The Panther uses Ma lossi earbs, a Grimeca rear brake and Koni shocks. "This is a run-in day, " said Sure-Fire's Bill Burbank. " It's the f irst t ime the bike's been on the track ." Rider Lence Jones got in a good bit of p ractice t ime, but didn ' t make the qualifying f ie ld for the National. " I believe the bike ha s potentia l." said Jones . AMA National MX referee Butch Lee celebrates birthday number 40 on May 21. Following the Washington, D.C. , Wrangler 5upercross, a large cake was brought out and presented to Bu tch . David Bailey came by a few minutes later, fresh from the win in the final, and carved out a piece of cake from the center. Team Kawasaki's Kent Howerton sat out the Wash ington Supercross, after sustaining lacera tion s to his back at the Kansas Ci ty round. He will be back in actio n a t the National MX at East 5t. Louis, Missouri, on May 22. The ' d e f e n d in g champions from America dominated the first round of qualifying for the 1983 World Team Cup Speedway Champion- ship , held in Reading , England, May 15. The Americans topped the event with 38 points, followed by England with 27. Those two teams moved on to the next round of qualifying, while New Zealand (20) and Australia (11) have been eliminated. Dennis Sigalos turned in a perfect score of 12 to lead the Yanks, and was well-supported by teammates Shawn Moran (10), Kelly Moran (9) and Bobby Schwartz (7). Lance King, the re - serve rider, did not geta chance to compete. The World Team Cup fina l is Aug . 13 in Vojens, Denmark. Tara Renee Boody arrived a bit ear ly in the Ted Boody household. Wife Terri had the doctor assure her the baby wasn 't expected until the mid- dle of May just before Ted flew off to San Jose for the double Nationals . " I got to California, called home and found out Terri had gone into the hospital ," said Boody. " I had to grab a plane and fly home. Tara Renee was born at 7 a .m . on April 28 and 1 got to the hospital at 9 a.m. Everybody was fine, so 1 flew back to California just in time to get rained out at San Jose. She's with us here at Spring- field to see h er first race. 1 believe in starting them young," joked Ted as Terri beamed. Cycle News was the benificiary of the world's fastest courier service to bring you coverage of th e West German wit h six poi nts lost. David Bertra m (Hus), John Marti n (C-A) and Kevin Hines (H us) rounded out the to p five. Bob Masten, the Camel Pro Series assistant team manager for the past three seasons, has traded two wheels for four and moved over to R.J. Reynolds' NASCARWinston Cup stock car racing program a nd the assistant manager's job . "Awesome," as he was known to his motorcyling golfing buddies, w ill now have the likes of NASCAR Champion Darrell Waltrip to play against. Chris Drew, forme rly w ith the RJ R show car program, has replaced Masten . Ricky G rah a m 's appeal of his being black flagged on the 24th lap of the April 16 Sacramento Mile National has been denied by AMA Director o f Professiona l Competi tio n Wayne Moulto n. Graham immediately p osted $200 for a final appea l and filled out the pa perwork. That pro- cess could ta ke u p to 40 days since Mo u lton h as 10 days to name a three person (non-AMA em p loyees) impa r- tial board to h ear the appea l. T he boa rd has 30 days to render a decision . Ronnie Jones, who broke his lower right leg in .t he March 11 , short track races at Memorial Stadium during Daytona Cycle Week, was spectating at Springfield . "The doctor told me I w ill probably get another cast after my May 19 appointment. That should be on for about a month and then I ca n begi n t he ra py. I would like t o be Eric Geboers (Suz) turned in anot her perfect day, wi nning bot h motos of the Yugoslav G P, the sixth roun d of the Wor ld Championship 125cc MX Series which was held on Sunday, May IS, in Trzic, Yugoslavia. Michele , R in aldi (Suz) took second overall wi th 3-3 moto performa nces. Ma rc Velkeneers (Gil) posted 4-4 moto fin - ishes to take thi rd overall. American J im Gi bson (Yam) finished second in the opening moto, bu t DNF the second race. The point sta ndings now show Geboers with 174, Rina ld i wit h 124, and Gibson wit h 92. Defending AMA Na tio n al C ham- pionship Enduro Series Champion Terry Cunningham (Hus) topped the May 15 Lonesome Pine National in Abingdon , Virginia. Mike Melton (H us) to ok seco nd, missing the over- a ll win by seco nds in the tie-breaker ch ecks a fter eq ua ling Cunningham The 24-Hours of LeMans round of the World Championship Endur- ance Road Race Series was run on , Ma y 14-16 in LeMans, France. Kawasakis swept the f irst three places w ith the factory entry of Gerard Coudray, Jacques Cornu and Serio Pellandini finishing on top. They turned in 720 la p s (1 ,8 8 9 mi les) at a n average speed of 83 mph . American David Aldana teamed up with Italian Walter Villa on the Kawasaki powered Elf entry, but a crash while Villa was at the controls wrote DNF on t he ir score sheet . Villa suffered hand injuries. • 2