Cycle News

Cycle News 2022 Issue 32 August 9

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AUGUST 1-6, 2022 LORETTA LYNN'S RANCH / HURRICANE MILLS, TENNESSEE P94 MOTOCROSS I 2022 ROCKY MOUNTAIN ATV/MC AMA AMATEUR NATIONAL MOTOCROSS CHAMPIONSHIP 4. Talon Hawkins (Hus) 8-3-3 5. Gage Linville (Yam) 6-5-4 6. Chance Hymas (Hon) 4-6-6 7. Benjamin Garib (Yam) 9-8-5 8. Brock Bennett (KTM) 7-10-8 9. Patrick Murphy (Yam) 10-9-18 10. Jimmy Albertson (GG) 13-15-10 OPEN PRO SPORT 1. Cole Martinez (Hon) 4-3-1 2. Caden Braswell (GG) 7-1-2 3. Gage Linville (Yam) 2-6-5 4. Jayden Clough (Yam) 6-2-10 5. Ryder DiFrancesco (Kaw) 1-4-13 6. Gavin Towers (Yam) 3-8-9 7. Heath Harrison (Hon) 10-9-3 8. Talon Hawkins (Hus) 9-12-4 9. Chance Hymas (Hon) 15-5-6 10. Brock Bennett (KTM) 18-7-8 Chase Dashiell's 4-1-3 beat out Elliott Bowsher's 1-4-5 to win the 65 (10-11) Limited class, while Maddox Temmerman's 1-5-1 topped Bowsher's 2-10-3 for the win in the 65 (10-11) class. Other national champions include Dawson Cobb in 250C and 125C, Boone Lloyd in Micro 1 (4-6) Shaft, Talon Rogers in Micro 2 (4-6) Limited, Cooper Langdon in Micro E (4-6) Limited, Jaydin Smart in Micro 3 (7-8) Limited, Jimmy Jarrett in Senior 45+, Gage Stine in College 18-24, and Brandon Haas in Senior 30+. CN 250 PRO SPORT 1. Caden Braswell (GG) 3-2-1 2. Gavin Towers (Yam) 1-4-7 3. Jayden Clough (Yam) 5-7-2 Orange Brigade KTM's Taylor Allred came into the final moto tied on points, Phelps with a 3-1 moto tally and Allred with a 2-2. Kyleigh Stallings (Kawasaki) grabbed the holeshot to start the moto, followed by Viviana Contreras (KTM) and off-road ace Korie Steede (Trail Jesters Racing KTM), while both title contenders were buried deep in the field, Allred just outside the top 10 and Phelps nearly last. On lap three, Steede took the lead and had set herself up to claim the overall as Allred and Phelps were battling in sixth and seventh. On lap seven, Phelps moved into second, turning a lap time nearly four seconds faster than anyone else. Meanwhile, Steede went down near the end of the lap, handing the lead to Phelps. Phelps took the checkers with four seconds to spare ahead of Contreras, giving the Utah rider the overall win and her second WMX national title in a row. Allred finished second overall after going 2-2-3, and Contreras was third overall with a 1-6-2 score. Alix Campigli (GG) and Sawyer Geick (KTM) traded wins in the first two motos of the 65 (7-9) class, with Geick coming out on top for the division win with a 1-2- 1 total, compared to Campigli's 2-1-2. The two swapped places in the 65 (7-9) Limited class, with Campigli taking the win with a 2-1-1, compared to Geick's 1-3-3. Crashes, bad starts and mechanicals spoiled Ryder DiFrancesco's amateur finale. He won only two motos all week.

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