Cycle News

Cycle News 2022 Issue 26 June 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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BY RENNIE SCAYSBROOK PHOTOGRAPHY BY BRIAN J. NELSON T he signs now appear ominous for the MotoAmerica Superbike field. The steamroller that is Jake Gagne (Fresh N Lean Progressive Yamaha Racing) appears to at last be firing up, his lap-record pole position and dominant double race wins at The Ridge looking very much like the man who blitzed all before him last year. The 2022 season hasn't quite gone to plan for the Colorado resident so far, but we're now only half way through the championship and Gagne's closed to within 11 points of series leader, Danilo Petrucci (Warhorse HSBK Rac- ing Ducati NYC), with Petrucci admit- ting the series effectively starts from zero at the following round at Laguna Seca on July 8-10. The Ridge's undulating 2.5-mile venue saw Gagne unleash the full championship fury, taking a double reg-flagged race-one win and the race two victory in similar fashion to his 17 wins last year—get to the front from the off, crack out five uber-fast laps no one else can hang with, and maintain that gap to the finish for his 21st and 22nd career Superbike wins. ROUND 5 / JUNE 24-26, 2022 THE RIDGE MOTORSPORTS PARK / SHELTON, WASHINGTON P72 ROAD RACE I MOTOAMERICA / FIM NORTH AMERICAN ROAD RACE CHAMPIONSHIP Jake Gagne out for a Sunday stroll. The defending champion was in a league of his own at The Ridge. A SUNDAY JAKE GAGNE GOT HIS TITLE DEFENSE AND TRULY BACK ON TRACK WITH A PERFORMANCE AT THE RIDGE.

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