Cycle News

Cycle News 2022 Issue 25 June 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 83 of 135

At Arai, not only the management, but its owner also knows the mission to protect riders and continues learning how a helmet works to protect the wearers against riding impacts. Witnessing how severe and unpredictable some i m p a c t s c a n b e , A r a i 's f o c u s c o n t i n u e s t o b e the consistent pursuit of gains in protection for helmets bearing our family name. Our CEO and President has been riding for 66 years. Even now as a veteran rider, there has been the occasional mishap, and some unscheduled helmet testing. But as a rider, pushing his limits, he understands the importance of head protection. Arai has been building up the protection needed for actual impacts for decades. For at its heart, Arai is a company of riders. No helmet can protect the wearer against all foreseeable impacts. Nothing is a substitute for safe riding practices. ©2022 Arai Helmet D E D I C A T E D T O R I D E R P R O T E C T I O N R E G E N T - X • S E N S A T I O N B L U E F R O S T T H E A R A I D I F F E R E N C E S C A N T O S E E T H E VA L U E O F A R A I V I D E O S C A N T O L E A R N M O R E A B O U T T H E R E G E N T - X Photo courtesy of Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA

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