SX Global To Recognize The SX2 Class
As Official FIM World Championship
he latest news from SX
Global and the new FIM
World Supercross Champion-
ship (WSX) involves the SX2
(250cc) class. It says the class
will be recognized as an official
FIM World Championship, which
means there will be no points
thresholds, or age or term limits
involved with the SX2 class, as
there is with the AMA series. This
open format, it says, will "provide
significantly more freedom and
flexibility for teams and riders."
"An official FIM World Champi-
onship for 250cc riders is some-
thing that's been a long-time
coming in our sport, and with the
truly global nature of our series,
it just made sense to finally make
it a reality for WSX as we move
into this new era of global super-
cross competition," said Adam
Bailey, managing director—Mo-
torsport for SX Global.
In addition to the official SX2
FIM World Championship, the
entire structure of the SX2 class
has been redefined to move
away from the more "develop-
mental" nature that the class
has traditionally been held to
in prominent supercross and
motocross series, according to a
statement from SX Global.
"We want to ensure that the
250cc (SX2) class features the
best talent the world has to of-
fer and, to achieve that, we are
opening it up to all competitors
regardless of age or past suc-
cess," said Bailey. "There have
been numerous examples of
limitations on 250cc class eligi-
bility pushing high-level talent out
of the sport, or into compromis-
ing scenarios that impede their
career progression and earning
potential. We want to ensure
we're doing everything we can
to give supercross athletes the
best possible career opportuni-
ties and increased longevity. A
rider-first commitment is core
to SX Global's mission, and we
feel this is the right move for the
sport and its competitors."
SX Global says the 250cc class
will not have age or term limits
in its upcoming FIM World
Supercross Championship.